
In addition to the list of [permalink id=182 text=’Clients’], the membership section also has a section on [permalink id=130 text=’joining The Institute’] and a [permalink id=2552 text=’Sissy Hall of Shame’], for those that are unable to follow directions.

#### Membership Statuses ####

* **Requested** – A sissy who has [permalink id=130 text=’posted a comment’] to request consideration.
* **Applied** – A sissy who has finished the application process.
* **Provisional** – A client, who has been accepted on a trial basis. Assuming the initial assignments are completed successfully, full membership will be granted.
* **Active** – A current client of The Institute.
* **Suspended** – A client, who has failed to keep up with assignments and who must perform penance to be re-admitted.
* **Inactive** – A client that has requested to be removed from active membership. Any active client in good standing can request an inactive status and can return from it at any time.
* **Disgraced** – Sissies who request admission, but fail to complete the application process are relegated to the [permalink id=2552 text=’Sissy Hall of Shame’]. (Note: If directions are followed on how to properly drop your name from consideration, you will not be added to the Hall of Shame.)

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