Kappa Delta Pi

**Motto:** “It’s not hazing if they are already members”

**Origin:** The name originates from the greek letters most similar to **C**ross **D**ressing **P**unishment.

**Pronunciation:** Kay-Dee-Pie


Membership is open to all current clients of The Institute who are in good standing.


1. We are not affiliated with any other organizations of similar names, including an [Education Honors Society](http://kdp.org/).

2. Actual [hazing](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hazing) is [wrong](http://www.stophazing.org/) and is in no way condoned by The Institute.

3. We do not believe there are any similarities between our organization and any other Greek Letter Organization.


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i guess you sign up to get “hazed” i’m sure thats worse!

i’m obviously nieve, what is ‘hazed’?

hi sissy alison, if the text is in a differant colour you can click on it,hazing will then be explained!!

thank you wanna be sissy, I would like all other sissies to put forward a haze for my mistress to follow for me the more severe the better girls!

I must complete my first assignment girls by midnight. I have filled in the questionanaire and check list in microsoft office word. How do I send it to mistress?

hi sissy alison, i was just wondering how your getting on with your assignment?

well i have it in word but haven’t sent it yet. Oh gosh I’m not on time am I ?

Please Mistress Katzenburg, conisder me for your Sissy Sorority. i am looking forward for the hazing to begin.

To all you sissies who want to join the Sorority. You better practice real hard in you “Institute” Training, becauase Pledging is really really hard.

sissy billy

Sissy Billy, Do You re-MEMBER saying this?

Yes I do. Kappa Delta Pi is the best sissy Sorority. I really would like to join also, but I am told you have to be a very good sissy in the “Institute” before they will even consider you.

Service. Penance. Submission.

[…] Posted by Amber Shummer on 05 Nov 2007 at 10:06 pm | Tagged as: Myckie Jo With Mistress M out of town for a few days, I am going to introduce Myckie Jo to the joys of Kappa Delta Pi. […]

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