Cheer Me Up Story Series

When I originally started the with a [Cheer Me Up][1] story assignment, I knew that I wanted it to be a series (hence why the first one ended in a cliffhanger). I just didn’t know exactly where I wanted to go. I have since figured that out. More detailed instructions will be assigned later, but this is the overall structure the stories will start out with:

1. **Cliffhanger** – The chapter ends with a cliff hanger.
2. **Revelation** – The chapter includes a surprising revelation (or plot twist) about one of the main characters.
3. **Concurrent Flashback** – The chapter is a flashback which occurs during (1) or (2), which involves another main character. During the chapter the character must have an opportunity to interact with the characters in the main story line, but they are not required to do so. (If this is confusing, think of the movie [Pulp Fiction][2].)
4. **Cliff Hanger 2** – Back at the main story, the chapter again ends with a cliff hanger.
5. **Integration** – The concurrent flashback merges with the main story line
6. **Short 1** – A short vignette, peripherally related to the main story.
7. **Choices** – The majority of the chapter is based on a choice made by one of the characters, and it ends with a open ended choice. (If the choice is to be made by a person based in reality, who is not the author, that person will be required to make the choice. Otherwise, I will make it. The answer will be delivered with the assignment for Chapter 9.)
8. **Short 2** – A short vignette, peripherally related to the main story.
9. **Consequences** – The results of the choice to be made at the end of Chapter 7 is revealed, and the consequences of it are played out.
10. **Short 3: Art** – A short vignette, peripherally related to the main story, in which all of the main characters are involved in some sort of artistic project.

Though it is subject to change (or be lengthened), I have made this list available so that you might be able to plan your story out a bit better (and not be in too much of a bind when you find out what is coming next). As a general rule, I despise the use of [deus ex machina][3]. It’s just too convenient.

**Update (August 2, 2009):**
In order to have a single link to point back to, I am add the rest of the rules for the story here:

* The story is to be fiction.
* The client is to be the main character in the story.
* The story is to be told in a [third-person narrative][4].
* The story is to be illustrated with at least three new pictures.



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Whatever happened to the Cheer Me Up Story Series. Were you finally cheered up or where all the future chapters so terrifing that everyone has run away and hid. Who was declared the final winner between myckie_jo and pieclown. The ones I read were enjoyable and really good.

They will come back again, written by the current clients.

I hope so. I so enjoyed reading them and I think they added interest in the site.

Hello sissy billy,
I am glad you enjoyed the reading of the stories.
You do know that by Mistress Ambers statement “written by the current clients” most likely includes your reading and posting.

Hello pieclown, Yes I did think about that before I answered Mistress Amber, but I like to comment on what I have read on the site. I still have many to read from years past, so I guess I will continue to put myself in the “hot seat” and I simply can not resist. When Mistress Amber responded, I felt I had to respond in some manner and not be rude when she directs a comment at me. I did enjoy the stories and I assumed that I would be included anyway if the stories were started up again. Besides, it seems a lot better to be writing an assignment like a fiction story than to have to act out a punishment or assignment. Either way I am in this training, so I might as well participate.

@sissy billy
Hi sissy billy,

Yes there is mostly writing involved with these assignments. There is also pictures. The pictures are not real. The author gets to send the pictures, but they need to go with the story in some way.
pie pie 4 now

@sissy billy: It is good to have a positive attitude. You will participate whether you want to or not.

Sorry everyone, I should have said the pictures ARE real not “are not real”.

@Amber Shummer I hope that I do express a positive attitude in my training and of course I look forward in participating in anything that Mistress Amber wishes.

[…] 3 of the Cheer Me Up Story Contest is due on next Sunday. If you have posting privileges, you are to only save a DRAFT. All of the […]

[…] assignment is for all active clients of The Institute. You are to continue your story for the Cheer Me Up Story Series with Chapter 2: […]

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