The Second Semester is dedicated to a class curriculum of “Sissy Girl” Home Economics. It is a learning experience of what to expect as a Sissy Girlie Cross-Dresser in preparation for readmission to “The Institute for Cross-Dressing Punishment”.
My second week course entails the experiences of a “SISSY EXPERIENCING HER PERIOD”.
The following course requirements are:
This week will be devoted to her “period” week. Learning to become a young Lady is critical to her Sissy Development. This course is under the guidance of “Auntie Flo”. “Auntie Flo” will send her reminder and daily assignments prior to the School Week. Attached is the “Period” Memo I received from “Auntie Flo”
Hello Sissy Billy,
I know that you believe your Monthly Menstrual Cycle is not due to start till Thursday, but
Honey, sometimes it can come early and suddenly. So, unexpectedly it you will start your “Period”
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Tonight without warning it starts. Take 3 feminine laxatives immediately and drink a large glass of water every hour until 9:00 PM. I would suggest you put a Sanitary Napkin in your panties right away.
Your cramping will start at 9:00 PM today. You will accept a full enema and refill each time you must go to the Ladies Room. Your nipples will also swell and throb. Nipple Pins for 15 minutes every hour. Continue
to 11:00 PM and then you can try to go to sleep.
You should set your alarm for 5:00 AM and start your enema simulation of severe cramping for an hour before you may then start to get dressed for work. Since you feel bad, eating lightly is a must. You may eat you normal food, but I strongly suggest you help digest your Food by taking a tablespoon of Castor Oil with it.
You better wear a Sanitary Napkin to work tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
A Bad Day today. Cramping is bad – Drink water all day. This will continue Menstrual Bloating. You should wear maxi pads for the day changing if necessary. Tonight is more cramping enemas for the entire night. When the cramps are too much you may go to the Ladies Room. However, you must refill and re-administer another 2 Quart Enema as usual. Repeat the process until you go to bed.
– Your Sanitary Pads must be smeared with my special “Period”
– Attach clothes pins for 15 minutes before going to sleep.
– Normal Food is OK, but it must be taken with Castor Oil as well as feminine Laxatives before going to Bed.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Your cramps are stopping, but your Sanitary Pads must be smeared with my special “Period” discharge and you should insert Tampons all day.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Your period is ending, but continue to wear protection today.
Good Luck my young Sissy Girlie Lady.
Best wishes,
Auntie Flo
See you next month.
And So, on Tuesday my “Period” began. It is true that I have been having my “Period” for a number of months now, but it is humiliating to tell about it in a post.
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