This all started out rather harmlessly about a month ago. I had been particularly rude to Mistress Katzenburg and even though I had apologized profusely expressing my sincerest regrets, I was wrong and Mistress was right (as she always is) and I deserved to be punished and given an assignment.
I was surprised at how simple the assignment seemed to be. I was to find several recipes for making of fake cum. Sounds rather simple, does it not. I searched and searched the internet and really only found two. I unfortunately was taking my time and not corresponding with Mistress about my difficulties. As you all know, that is a real no-no.
Last week I guess Mistress Katzenburg had enough and in concert with Mistress Rosemarie, decided that since it was summer that it was only appropriate that this sissy start the summer off right with a “Sissy” Weekend.
Oh My, did I wish I had been more responsive with my simple assignment.
My assignment of finding the “FAKE CUM” was withdrawn. I am sure, however, that it will surface again as Mistress Katzenburg never forgets any failure of mine and they are often revisited in a much harder form.
I was to find a nice sissy e-card on the internet and write a private sincere apology to her.
I was also to wear a very stuffed diaper and extremely stuffed bra for a 12 hour period for one night of the weekend without changing. As most of you know this is always a disgusting assignment.
Also in honor of Mistress Amber’s Summer of Panties two years ago when I had to wear feminine and pretty thongs to teach me a lesson, I would be required to wear a thong and bra when at home until I completed my post.
The rest of the weekend would be filled with little fun assignments devised by my Two Mistresses.
I was to document on an hourly basis to ensure my compliance. I dug out all of my prettiest thongs.
An so a sissy’s summer weekend started
My first punishment was to be reminded that it is never proper to ever be rude to a Mistress. I was reminded of my very first punishment for being rude. I was directed to the “Rules and Regulations” to re-learn this Rule and once again experience this horrible punishment.
Respect Rule
The respect rule is made up of three parts, which help maintain a respectful attitude to Mistress’ at all times:
For every infraction of these rules, the offender will write the following statement one hundred (100) times.
I have been disrespectful to Mistress_______(insert name). From this time forward, I will address her properly and exercise care in my responses to her to avoid offending her further.
The offender will be dressed in clothing of the Mistress’ choosing and will hold a bar of soap in their mouth for the entire time needed to complete the punishment.
Well Mistress Rosemarie was kind in this instance and I only had to write it 10 times. However, if I spit the soap out, I was to add two additional sentences.
I soon remembered why a sissy quickly learns respect. The requirement of this punishment is not pretty, besides tasting incredibly awful.
Saturday Night was my 12 hours of diaper hell. I put on a new thong, very stuffed bra, diaper, stuffed pink rubber panty, my blue diaper jumper, stockings and my pretty pink nightie. I first had to spend a hour in the small hot closet, then to bed. It was a very hot and a long sleepless night. Should we take a poll to see if sissy billy could not control herself and pee and poop in her diaper. Hint – You should vote that she made a mess. Mistress says the fact that she gave me several pink feminine laxative pills had nothing to do with my inability to control myself until morning.
On Sunday afternoon, I was very hot. Mistress thought it would be cute for me to do some yard work, dressed in a diaper, blue plastic jumper, bra and then my clothes. Of course I was given an enema before I was sent out. I barely got through 3/4 of the grass cutting when I started to leak and then exploded. I went inside to change and Mistress sent me right back out to finish. A sissy doesn’t get the luxury like a baby of changing when she wants.
I was exhausted after Sunday afternoon gardening and I could not finish my punishments or even start the post.
On Monday night I got home late and was again delayed. When Mistress Katzenburg heard that I was not going to finish, I was given another punishment for Monday night. I had to put my diaper and all the accessories back on for the entire night again.
Finally it is Tuesday night and I will finish my last Punishment. I am to do some housekeeping in between writing my post. Of course this meant my pink maid outfit and as additional punishment for being rude, I had my two quart enema filled and the nozzle shoved up my sissy vagina. I had to keep it in all night and every once in a while Mistress would open it and allow 15 seconds of enema fluid to pound into my vagina filling me so that I had cramps. I also could not sit. So I knelt when I was writing the Post. Being rude can be a very unpleasant thing to do.
Finally, I have finished the post. Mistress keeps releasing a surge of the enema and I have such bad cramps. I have had to ask to empty several times, but Mistress keeps filling it up and it is never-ending. Oh it hurts.
If the rest of my summer weekends are like this, then I will soon be wishing that it is Winter again. Someday I will learn my lessons and remember to always be polite to Mistress. Just remember the Rule.
“I have been disrespectful to Mistress Katzenburg. From this time forward, I will address her properly and exercise care in my responses to her to avoid offending her further.”
Uh UH! I called my Mistress the “B” word behind Her back.
where you purchased the heels? I want one, it looks so sexy.
I am not certain of the heels that she chose, but Amazon has a fairly nice selection to start with.
I have been disrespectful to Mistress Cat (honor curtsy) . From this time forward I will address Her properly and exercise care in my response to Her to avoid offending Her further.
I remember reading a post by sissy billy a long time ago when she was rude to Mistress Katzenburg. It is never good to be rude and after reading what happened to sissy billy I make it a point never to be rude.
@lacceeLynn this servant is still learning . However respect is a given when addressing Mistress Cat (honor curtsy)
Respect will be shown to everyone on the site. At all times.
(curtsy) Yes of course,, Miss cat (honor curtsy) always knows what I did/do and punishments are speedily administered
I try to show respect to all both on and outside of The Institute. Though I sometimes failed at this as a sissy client, Mistress Katzenburg did teach me valuable leassons in respect (sometimes very punishing and humiliating lessons) I thank you Mistress Katzenburg for your persistence in my training.
[…] time ago, well before I fully completed my return to The Institute in fact, sissy billy was given a very easy assignment. That very easy assignment never got completed, faded into the background, and disappeared for a […]