I confess that I have been too long negligent and lazy in being an active sissy student client of “The Institute of Cross-Dressing Punishment”. I have therefore been enrolled in Summer School of the “Institute” by Mistress Rosemarie and with the concurrence of Head Mistress Katzenburg. This was mandatory and it was made perfectly clear that I must pass or I may be expelled. I will attend this Summer School with the utmost enthusiasm and the proper attitude so that I may regain my status as an active sissy client.
So my Summer begins:
Assignment # 1 – Since I had for so long refused to comply with the many past assignments of a Clean Shaven sissy body, I am to do the following:
When I return home on Friday night I am to prepare and take a fragrant sissy bubble bath to soften my sissy skin. I am then to shave my body from the Neck down with strong encouragemnt that I at least utilize a feminine wax kit for areas of my hairy non-sissy body.
I prepared a sweet fragrant sissy bubble bath as directed. I also laid out on the Ladies Room Counter the tools of my sissy shaving.
As I got out of my very nice bubble bath I was practically crying already. I really did not want to use the hot wax strips, but I proceeded.
[](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2012/04/ssisybilly_120428-005s.jpg )
The waxing really really hurt!
Finally I was shaved and totally humiliated standing in front of the camera shaved like a sissy client should be.
[](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2012/04/ssisybilly_120428-009s1.jpg )
I think I did a good job in finally shaving my sissy body and hope that I receive a passing grade on my first assignment.
Question: With that wrap, who can tell if sissy billy actually shaved her sissy clitty?
Mistress Katzenburg,
A sissy should always be discreet and proper. Besides it is shaved and cleaner then it has ever been before.
sissy billy
A sissy should always follow the rules which (you of all people should know) state “pictures must be able to prove that the objective was fully carried out” and should not “force the Mistress to make the assumption that the steps were carried out”.
Yes Mistress Katzenburg,
You are correct. I should know that after just writing out the rules in long-hand. Sorry.
I just thought it would be very inappropriate to completely expose myself.
sissy billy
Dear sissy billy,
You did not wish to fully exposes yourself. When I visited this the other day, you had a “uncropped” picture. I see you have cropped a certain part off. I wonder how many saw the true sissy billy? I do wish you luck with you adventures.
Hello pieclown,
Yes a hurried and careless mistake. Hopefully no one saw except you. One should never rush a posting.
As always, thank you for your well wishes.
sissy billy
It is time to be graded on your first assignment sissy billy.
When you start the test (assignment) you begin with an A (4.0). For each infraction you are deducted one point. C (2.0) is passing. Mistress Katzenburg will audit the grade and either raise or lower the score if she wishes. Your first Report Card will be issued June 1.
Assignment # 1 – Shaving
Start – A (4.0)
Did not shave your arms (Mistress Amber exemption no longer valid). You get a -1 = B.
Top of chest exposed above shirt not shaved (I think on purpose). You get a -1 = C.
Poor job of shaving chest – not smooth like a girl. You get a -1 = D.
Used a Wax treatment in a few spots. Good attitude and effort. You get a +1 = C.
Ugly clumps of hair left under your sissy clitty – very unladylike. You get a -1 = D.
Your grade for this assignment is a D (Failing).
Perhaps Mistress Katzenburg will find something you did do good, but after you wrapped (possibly to conceal) your sissy clitty and failed to follow the Rules and Regulations that she just had you re-read and write as she noted above, I kind of doubt it.
Not good to fail your first assignment, but a D is better then an F
Your Assistant Instructress (Summer School), Mistress Rosemarie
i just wanted to put this out there and this seemed like a good spot. i have scares all over my body and shaveing really makes them stand out. i do the best i can to look sexy but im almost forced into wearing pantyhose to cover all the scares on my legs. i have’nt figuered out what to do with my arms yet. maybe a long pair of lace gloves would be sexy? anyway i just wanted you all to know.
How sad it is that we feel we need to fit a mould called beautiful when in fact You wear it well already, uncovered in all it’s glory. Yes, the hair may be unsightly, the scars however show a life that was lived and still living. Good for You in keeping on.. celebrate what You have and it will never be a burdon.
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