Tag Archives: pieclown

pieclown: Replication?

pieclown’s [previous assignment][1] was to replicate the picture that she described. Detrimental to her effort, she sent in a copy of the picture she was trying to replicate:

![Feather Duster](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/03/featherduster.jpeg)

(Note that I have included this unattributed photo because pieclown had no idea where it came from. I do not plan to make this a standard practice. If you own the copyright, let me know and I will take it down.)

And then she sent me her “replications”:

Çpieclown_080226-001È Çpieclown_080226-002È Çpieclown_080226-003È Çpieclown_080226-004È

I could go through and pick apart these photos, but I thought it would be more entertaining to let everyone else pick apart these pictures and let her know why they don’t replicate the picture she sent in.

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2008/02/pieclown_replication

pieclown: Part 1a of her Atonement

So, for the first part of her atonement, pieclown was to go to a salon and get her legs waxed. She did a good job of looking her part when she showed up to the salon:

Çpieclown_071204-001È Çpieclown_071204-002È Çpieclown_071204-003cÈ Çpieclown_071204-004cÈ

Unfortunately, she was unable to get her legs completely waxed. As she put it:

> I went to the sallon today. The students got the front done, but one took a break then the other. After a few minutes, they said it was getting late and they had to leave and the teacher would finish. After a few minutes a director of the college came in and ask me to leave. The students became uncomfortable. The student were upset over something I said.

At least part of her legs are smoother now:

Çpieclown_071204-005cÈ Çpieclown_071204-006cÈ Çpieclown_071204-007È

Çpieclown_071204-008È Çpieclown_071204-009È

And, in even better news, pieclown is finally following directions. She dressed up as she was told. She sent pictures to show off the various layers. She was even wearing her six inch invader:

![Six Inch Invader](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2007/12/pieclown_071204-010b.jpg)

So what could pieclown have said or done that upset the students? Well, lets start a list:

* According to her they could have seen something that upset them. Like the way she was dressed?
* They may not have believed the lie that she told about getting the waxing because she lost a bet to a girlfriend. Maybe they didn’t believe it because it didn’t fit with the rest of the true stuff she told them.
* She told them that she liked pain.
* She showed them the clothes pins. They laughed at her.
* She told them about the plug.

Can you pick out anything that might have upset the students? Perhaps she can keep from upsetting people as she finishes Step 1b: waxing the rest of her legs herself.

pieclown: You Take the Good, You Take the Bad

Slowly but surely, pieclown has been working on [her punishment][1]:

**Night 1 (Nov 16):**
![Night 1](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2007/11/pieclown_071117-001.jpg)

**Night 2 (Nov 18):**
![Night 2](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2007/11/pieclown_071119-001.jpg)

**Night 3 (Nov 20):**
![Night 3](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2007/11/pieclown_071120-001.jpg)

**Night 4 (Nov 23):**
![Night 4](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2007/11/pieclown_071124-001.jpg)

**Night 5 (Nov 25):**
![Night 5](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2007/11/pieclown_071126-001.jpg)

**Night 6 (Nov 26):**
![Night 6](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2007/11/pieclown_071127-001c.jpg)

Unfortunately, I haven’t been all that enamored with the results that she has been turning in–all related to the simple instructions that were given:

> In addition, for wasting my time, you are to spend several nights in a row dressed and bound. At a minimum, you will need to wear a bra, large forms, panties, hose, a night gown, wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs. For a night of sleep to count, you must email a picture of you ready for bed before you actually go.

This is after I implored her to check the directions in a personal email to her on November 8th:

> You may also want to check that you are completing the punishment as prescribed and sending sufficient pictures.

Some of this may seem fiddly, but she wouldn’t be punished in the first place if she did things right the first time.

1. Apparently pieclown doesn’t realize that “nights in a row” means the same as “consecutive nights”. Monday, then Tuesday, then Wednesday. Not Monday, then Wednesday, then Saturday, if I feel like it. At least with the first six, there were two nights in a row. Lets see if she can keep it up tonight.

2. The date on the pictures looks tacky and is totally unnecessary. I know when you were dressed for bed based on when you sent the pictures. That’s why the directions state “you must email a picture of you ready for bed before you actually go”.

3. In her latest picture email, she noted that she could make bigger pictures, but wasn’t going to send them to me. Perhaps she isn’t reading her [graded assignments][1]: “…all of the the pictures are all tiny! This is unacceptable.” This is one of the reasons you’re doing this punishment now! Of course I want the bigger pictures.

4. Apparently I am supposed to trust that in all of these pictures she’s wearing “…a bra, large forms, panties…” since THOSE ARE NOT SHOWN IN THE PICTURES.

So two of these (#1 and #4) are a direct result of not reading the instructions and another (#3) is the result of not reading her previous punishment results. Maybe her next assignment should involve reading and noting comprehension by joining the conversation. Oh wait, that was her [first assignment][2]. (Which as far as I know is still incomplete.)

pieclown, I am going to stop short of calling this experiment a total failure, but it is getting close: YOUR WORK MUST IMPROVE.

**The Facts of Life:**

1. You are to continue this sleeping arrangement, correctly, until your assignment is complete. Let me know when you think you are done.

2. You are to post a suggested atoning punishment–what you are willing to do to show your devotion to your tasks (in addition to what has already been assigned). It will be up to the readers to determine if it sufficient. If so, you will atone by completing the punishment. If not, you will atone by completing my augmented version of the punishment. This atoning punishment is to be submitted as a comment before you send me another personal email.

3. You are to always sent the highest quality pictures.

4. To save my staff work, you will rename all of your pictures to the proper format before sending them to me: `pieclown_XXYYZZ-AAA.jpg` (where `ZZ` is the year, `YY` is the month, `ZZ` is the day and AAA is the number of the picture that was taken, starting at one each day).

Things can only get better.

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2007/10/pieclown_mid-assignment_punishment_grading
[2]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2007/10/pieclown_ready_for_punishment#comment-165

pieclown: Mid-Assignment Punishment [2nd Grading]

So from the looks of the pictures I got, it seem the punishment was completed successfully. I won’t bore you with all of the pictures she sent in, but here are a few select few. Like, the 50th sentence she had to write:


I’m sure that her writing time was a bit uncomfortable, because underneath that nice blue dress

![Blue Dress](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2007/11/pieclown_071107-007.jpg)

she was plugged up nicely


with some figure enhancing girdle panties


and this time she was also properly gagged


In addition to these pictures, I had her send me some comments on what she thought about it punishment. It turned out better than I thought it would. It seems that she has learned her lesson.

> I want pass on a warning to those that that fail to do punishment right, you will have to do it again. I have learned to do my best to follow the assignments, other wise I will be in pain as thus required as punishment.

> Now, I did try punish myself a little. I used the 4 inch plug the first time, but this time I used the 5 inch butt plug. I added the stocking as required. This was to hide my hairy legs. I did a dress this time instead of the blouse and skirt. This was a new item I bought this summer at a yard sale. The dress has fake stones. I thought this would add to the shape for the dress as required. I also added a 8 foam ball cut in two for forms.

> I used some leather straps for my legs and a belt around my waste to tie me to the chair.

> I used a different clothes pins. These had a balloon attach to them. To show that they were on I did a picture down my bra, showing the balloon and one of the clips. Now these had a different reaction. One nipple became blistered and both show the signs of wearing the clamps after I took them off. I have been reading some web sites and some say that one way to put on clips with less damage is to try to make it closer to the breast, grabbing as much nipple as possible. The clips I used are wider then normal clips. This is why I was blistered. So it was my own fault for using this clips.

> So remember, if you get an assignment, do it correctly or you may have to do it over again.

So true–do it right the first time or you will have to do it over again and it will always be worse the second time. And speaking of redoing it, don’t forget [why you got this punishment][1] in the first place. I don’t want to have to give you another.

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2007/10/pieclown_mid-assignment_punishment

pieclown: Happy Halloween

Pieclown sends this picture from Halloween Night:


I’m not sure if it was her bedding down for the night or her going out and begging for candy. Maybe it was both, or it could be neither.

pieclown: Mid-Assignment Punishment [Results]

So, pieclown finished her punishment, and in record time.

She had clothespegs on her nipples:

a decent set of forms:

and a nice skirt and blouse combination:

When she was tied to the chair:

she did a fair bit of writing:

So the punishment was completed successfully? Absolutely not. I’ll finish grading it in a bit, but I wanted to make sure she had time to defend her work first.

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