Tag Archives: pieclown

… and a Painful New Year

While I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, I hope that the holiday glow lasts in the cheeks of [Pieclown][] and [Stacee Skye][] though the month of January. This assignment is being given to both of them and is due to be completed by the end of January: you are to have someone paddle you like you in a skirt and high heels.

* The length of the punishment is up to the person doing the paddling.
* The implement used is up to the person doing the paddling. You are to offer all that you have at your disposal for them to pick from.
* Bondage during the paddling is up to the person performing it, though you are required to let them know it is highly encouraged.
* You must request that they take pictures.
* If asked if you have “had enough”, you must reply “No” or “Only if you think I have had enough”
* When the punishment is over, you must thank them in whatever manner they wish.
* You must make a post about your punishment.
* You must ask them how soon they would like to repeat the punishment. This entire scenario is to be repeated as many times as they would like by the end of January.

Let’s hope that they don’t want to repeat it everyday….

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown
[Stacee Skye]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye

Curiosity and Pieclown

Apparently, when she was wandering through the admin area, looking for things she couldn’t do, [Pieclown][] ran across a couple of draft posts that she just had to know about:

* pieclown: Burn, Baby, Burn
* pieclown: Hot Diggity Dog

After thinking about it, I realized that I shouldn’t have told her “No” when she asked if she could get more information about them. I should have told her that those *punishments* would be assigned to her at my earliest convenience.

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown

missy maid Responds to pieclown

I just got this response from missy maid regarding the [apology from pieclown][1]:

> mistress amber,

> missy maid is sorry she had not been able to respond to miss pieclown sooner. missy maid has had a difficult time obtaining enough good behavior credits for missy maid to be online to respond. missy maid also be careful because miss yaton

> miss yaton was furious that miss pieclown misspelled miss yaton’s name in the apology. miss yaton declared missy maid will spend one night as a tightly bound, corseted, plugged and gagged serving maid for each time miss yaton’s name was misspelled. missy maid will be serving for 15 days, including being taken to a halloween party with missy maid’s coworkers. if missy maid is not a good girl during this punishment then missy maid will be ungagged for the halloween party so that missy maid may be used by the guests.

> missy maid knows miss pieclown means well, but cannot accept miss pieclown’s apology until miss pieclown fixes all of the errors in grammar in miss pieclown’s apology. missy maid also overheard miss yaton tell mstr reginald miss yaton was going to have missy maid caned at the party, basing the strokes on home many errors in grammar the guests were able to find.

> missy maid does not want to be caned and missy maid hopes miss pieclown can find and fix all of her errors.

So it looks like this apology isn’t done yet, at least as far as missy maid is concerned. Will pieclown be able to fix all of the errors (like “Mrs. Doughtfire”, “truck of a car” and “master re.”) to prevent the caning of missy maid? I have no idea, but I think missy maid hopes so.

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2008/07/pieclown_apology_to_missy_maid

pieclown: A New Dress

In this picture from back in December, pieclown shows off her new dress and asks “Does this complete this part of the punishment?”. Since I can’t remember which punishment it was, I guess so.

![pieclown’s new dress](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/10/pieclown_071219-002s.jpg)

She sent in two pictures, but in the other one she decided not to wear any forms. (Perhaps she though I would like it anyway?)

pieclown: Spot the Discontinuity

Let’s see who can spot the discontinuity in the messages I received from pieclown regarding the submittal of her last assignment:

Date | Message
:—- | :——–
Aug 9 | I got to the site, but I think I am unable to get it loaded. I have not done ftp for sometime and I now think I have for got.
Aug 11 | It tried the web site for ftp transfer, but could not figure out my ftp number.
Aug 17 | No luck on my end to find out what my ftp # is too.
Sep 4 | Did you not get the larger files I was able to send to the ftp site?

No, I didn’t. I never checked the FTP site, because you never told me you were abel to figure it out. Why would I have assumed that?

pieclown’s apology

I got a note back from missy maid the other day:
> mistress amber,
> missy maid is very sorry to hear that all of miss pieclown’s pictures and video were uploaded since missy maid cannot understand why miss pieclown cannot follow the directions. missy maid was right to think that miss pieclown would find a way to cheat. missy maid is also upsets with mistress amber because missy maid knew that miss pieclown would not complete [her apology][1] correctly.
> missy maid

I have already sent my apologies to missy maid, as I forgot that I must give pieclown *very explicit* directions. While I told her to “Get yourself dressed up, proper feminine makeup required, with properly sized and weighted breast forms…properly corseted, plugged, packaged and ball gagged,” I did not specifically mention *this* time that the pictures must reflect this. So there is a whole lot of pictures of her meditating and writing that all pretty much look the same.

![Meditating](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/09/pieclown_080809-012+001.jpg) ![Writing](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/09/pieclown_080809-044+001.jpg)

Was there a digital clock in any of the pictures? Not a chance. (Well, there was a computer added timer, but that wasn’t quite the point.) And apparently, my directions should have said “Take *readable* photographs (or scan) the original apology letter.” There’s nothing like an apology you can’t read.

I did manage to catch a couple of pictures with pieclown all dolled up, so I will be sure to post those soon. As soon as I hear back from missy maid. (Maybe pieclown will feel sorry for missy maid and send some full body pictures. I am not holding my breath.)

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2008/07/pieclown_apology_to_missy_maid

Comments from Pieclown

After I sent her the assignment last week, pieclown said:

> I will hold off on comments for the page, so not to give missy maid ideas.

She shouldn’t be worrying about missy maid having too many ideas–she gave me plenty I decided not to use. The one she had about how long you should spend thinking on your knees would have really made you afraid.

> MY BIG fear is my 30 minutes on the knees

Her suggestion was almost 10 times that length.

So, hopefully pieclown will be able to eventually finish her apology. On Monday night she wrote:

> I was planning to do the apology to missy maid to night, but my ex wife had something come up and now I have my son tonight and who knows how long. So I may not get it done by the end of the month. I did get me a new corset, and the golf balls to make the ball gag. I was waiting for $ to come in to get these and did not have my son here.

Hopefully missy maid will have as much patience as I do.

pieclown: Apology to missy maid

After further consultation with missy maid, this is the punishment for pieclown. It is due by the end of the month.

Since missy maid is concerned that you will try to cheat in this punishment, all activities are to be recorded via (1) video camera, (2) web camera, (3) automatic (every 30 seconds) camera, or (4) a friend taking pictures for you. (Missy maid would like the last one, so they you can be forced to serve them after this apology is finished. I don’t really care that much.)

1. Get yourself dressed up, proper feminine makeup required, with properly sized and weighted breast forms. (Definitely no smaller than the ones you used for the second alphabet.) You will be properly corseted, plugged, packaged and ball gagged.

2. Prepare the location by setting up the camera, then a digital clock and an analog clock in the background (that will still show up in the pictures).

3. Kneeling, with your hands behind your head, meditate for 30 minutes. (Note that it is improper to have any external input interrupt or end you meditation.) If you will have trouble with your eyes darting all over the place, then you should use a blindfold during the meditation.

4. If required, bring a chair and/or table to the camera area.

5. Handwrite an apology to missy maid, explaining what you did wrong and offering a retribution punishment for the grief you caused her. (1500 words would be an appropriate length, but that shouldn’t cut you off.)

6. Move the camera setup to the computer (of vice versa) and type the apology as a comment to this post.

7. Take photographs (or scan) the original apology letter.

8. Post all of the pictures and video to The Institute’s [ftp site][1].

Remember, this is due by the end of the month and you should always let me know that you have received the punishment by sending email or posting a comment.

[1]: ftp://shummer@institute.cdpunishment.com/

Response from missy maid

On Friday afternoon I heard back from missy maid regarding her thoughts on a punishment for pieclown:

missy maid cannot understand why pieclown was so unhappy with missy maid’s questions. her attitude does not make sense to missy maid. miss pieclown probably doesn’t even realize what is wrong. missy maid doesn’t think that any punishment can help pieclown. miss pieclown would just find a way to cheat anyway.

I think all this sounds accurate. Now I just need to come up with something that will make pieclown think about what she did and be able to prove that she fulfilled the punishment.

pieclown: Loopholes

When I wrote out the rules for pieclown’s alphabet, I noted that “All of the characters must be sufficiently distinguishable”. When missy maid [asked about distinguishing the characters][1] pieclown replied that “Now how did I know what the letters are? I MADE THEM.” That was not the point.

Perhaps I should have been more clear and said “All of the characters must be sufficiently distinguishable by **ANYONE** who reads the site, not just by the clown who made them.” Is that sufficiently clear? And since the creator seems to be the only one who can tell a 1 from an I and an 0 from an O (and then brags about it), I’m inclined to let her twist in the wind and have missy maid come up with a suitable punishment for pieclown’s inability to create distinguished the letters.

And where does pieclown get off [telling other people they need to have a gravatar][3]? I should have pieclown’s mouth stuffed with something she doesn’t want. (Like deep throating a kielbasa before moving up to the real thing. Then we can see who likes to talk.)

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2008/07/pieclown_grading_the_second_alphabet#comment-377
[2]: http://gravatar.com/
[3]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2008/07/pieclown_grading_the_second_alphabet#comment-378

pieclown: Another Bowl of Alphabet Soup

I was up thinking last night–something just didn’t seem quite right with [pieclown’s alphabet][1]. It just irked me until I finally found it. It was [her comment][2] about what she was going to do:

> It is a pink swim suite with white hose. Pictures will be taken in front of a black backdrop.

So how did she look in white hose? I have no idea. That wasn’t what she took pictures of. So she is going to do another alphabet.

pieclown, your punishment is to get dressed up and create a me another set of [alphabet fitness][4] letters and numbers (0 through 9)

* The pictures must be taken against a solid color backdrop
* You must be wearing the same dress or blouse/skirt combo in all of them
* Using inanimate objects to make portions of the letters or numbers is forbidden
* All of the characters must be sufficiently distinguishable
* Pictures may be cropped, but will otherwise be used as is.
* You will be properly corseted, plugged, packaged and gagged. (It is your judgement what is considered proper, but you do not want to skimp in this area or you will be doing this again.)
* You will be wearing properly sized (aka LARGE) breast forms. (Foam balls? I don’t think so. You need something with heft that will move around with you.)

Your punishment pictures are due to me by June 29th. Hop to it.

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2008/06/pieclown_alphabet_soup_assignment_results
[2]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2008/06/pieclown_alphabet_soup#comment-354
[4]: http://www.alphabetfitness.org/

pieclown: Alphabet Soup Assignment Results

And now for the results:
* * *
![][t] ![][h] ![][e]
![][c] ![][l] ![][o] ![][w] ![][n]
![][i] ![][s]
![][d] ![][o] ![][n] ![][e]
![][w] ![][i] ![][t] ![][h]
![][h] ![][e] ![][r]
![][w] ![][o] ![][r] ![][k]
* * *
![][n] ![][e] ![][x] ![][t]
![][q] ![][u] ![][e] ![][s] ![][t]
![][i] ![][s]
![][j] ![][u] ![][m] ![][p]
![][t] ![][o]
![][b] ![][i] ![][g] ![][g] ![][y]
![][t] ![][i] ![][t] ![][t] ![][y]
* * *
How did she do?

[a]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-001t.jpg
[b]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-002t.jpg
[c]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-003t.jpg
[d]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-004t.jpg
[e]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-005t.jpg
[f]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-006t.jpg
[g]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-007t.jpg
[h]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-008t.jpg
[i]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-009t.jpg
[j]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-010t.jpg
[k]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-011t.jpg
[l]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-012t.jpg
[m]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-013t.jpg
[n]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-014t.jpg
[o]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-015t.jpg
[p]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-016t.jpg
[q]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-017t.jpg
[r]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-018t.jpg
[s]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-019t.jpg
[t]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-020t.jpg
[u]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-021t.jpg
[v]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-022t.jpg
[w]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-023t.jpg
[x]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-024t.jpg
[y]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-025t.jpg
[z]: http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/pieclown_080614-026t.jpg

pieclown: Assignment or Punishment?


It seems that pieclown has become lax about checking in. I had a nice easy assignment set out for her, but apparently she is more interested in a punishment. I’ll leave it to the poll to decide. What do you think pieclown?

A Pretty Bra Picture

Here is one of the pictures of pieclown from her bra fashion show (as part of her [Atonement][1]):

![Pretty Bras](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/05/pieclown_071213-009s.jpg)

More pictures of her freshly waxed chest to come soon. If I can’t find enough of them, it won’t be a problem to have her take more. I’m sure she has been keeping her chest waxed since then.

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2007/11/pieclown_atonement

pieclown: Writing on the Wall [Results]

pieclown’s [Writing on the Wall](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2008/04/pieclown_writing_on_the_wall) assignment is finally finished, and, overall, the results are not too bad:

«pieclown_080503-007» «pieclown_080503-010» «pieclown_080503-013» «pieclown_080503-016»

«pieclown_080503-019» «pieclown_080503-022» «pieclown_080503-025» «pieclown_080503-028»

She picked a decent shade, sent all of the requested pictures, and even included a few extra “just for me”. I give the effort 85/100. (Of course, I am always open to suggestions on grade modification. For her sake, I hope it doesn’t go much lower–I’ll have to start posting the rest of the pictures as punishment.)

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