pieclown: Part 1a of her Atonement

So, for the first part of her atonement, pieclown was to go to a salon and get her legs waxed. She did a good job of looking her part when she showed up to the salon:

Çpieclown_071204-001È Çpieclown_071204-002È Çpieclown_071204-003cÈ Çpieclown_071204-004cÈ

Unfortunately, she was unable to get her legs completely waxed. As she put it:

> I went to the sallon today. The students got the front done, but one took a break then the other. After a few minutes, they said it was getting late and they had to leave and the teacher would finish. After a few minutes a director of the college came in and ask me to leave. The students became uncomfortable. The student were upset over something I said.

At least part of her legs are smoother now:

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And, in even better news, pieclown is finally following directions. She dressed up as she was told. She sent pictures to show off the various layers. She was even wearing her six inch invader:

![Six Inch Invader](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2007/12/pieclown_071204-010b.jpg)

So what could pieclown have said or done that upset the students? Well, lets start a list:

* According to her they could have seen something that upset them. Like the way she was dressed?
* They may not have believed the lie that she told about getting the waxing because she lost a bet to a girlfriend. Maybe they didn’t believe it because it didn’t fit with the rest of the true stuff she told them.
* She told them that she liked pain.
* She showed them the clothes pins. They laughed at her.
* She told them about the plug.

Can you pick out anything that might have upset the students? Perhaps she can keep from upsetting people as she finishes Step 1b: waxing the rest of her legs herself.

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