Tag Archives: Stacee Skye

With Crumpets – Chapter 1 – MJ on Fire

As MJ came through the door from her break, she was keenly aware of the vulnerability her condition showed. A bright dress set-off the posture collar and her wrists that were locked to it. The ankle cuffs locked together just above her spiked heels insuring she couldn’t run even if she wanted to. The hood and blindfold ensuring that she couldn’t see who was watching her.

As she was walking through the house, break time over, she was reminded of this vulnerability and all of the fires burning through out her body. Continue Reading

Sucks to Be Me

Back in August, after Mistress Amber [dressed me in a diaper][1], she further dressed me up in a couple of different outfits.

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2008/08/why_i_love_working_with_stacee_skye



After each one, she sent me to the basement with a camera to “practice” Continue Reading

Pink and Plasticy

After Mistress Amber got finished [playing dress-up][1], she took pictures to show Mistress M, that yes, I show up dressed up exactly like she had sent me. I’m not sure what else she was expecting.

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2009/01/a_new_nightie


And then she decided to punishment me for being “late”. Continue Reading

A New Nightie

Soon after [Stacee Skye][] got home, I had her pop in some forms and try on her new nightie from Mistress M. I think she turned out pretty cute in it and depending on how Mistress M likes it, she may be seeing a lot more of it.

![A New Nightie](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2009/01/btsp_090118-001s.jpg)

When I left [Stacee Skye][] for bed, I just left her in the nightie and nothing else–I didn’t want her to have too rough of a night. Since she slept well, I think maybe the next time she should put on a bra and panties and hose and a corset and ankle cuffs and…

[Stacee Skye]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye

She’s Late

[Stacee Skye][] is late. How late? I have no idea. Apparently having Mistress M dress her before she left wasn’t enough incentive to get her here on time. So she will be well punished when she finally gets here–then the training can begin. I think I’ll use a modified version of my traveling dress for her (including some of the punishment items). She will be punished in this method for the square of the number of minutes she was late. So if she is fifteen minutes late, each minute will cost her 15 minutes for a total of 225 minutes (Three hours, forty-five minutes). A half hour past due and she will be in for 15 hours straight. She had better hope she gets here soon.

**Update:** [Stacee Skye][] finally got here at 5:21, 21 minutes late. Since I was feeling generous, I credited her with one minute for stopping to get the mail, one minute for picking up the paper, and three minutes for being thoughtful and bringing me a gift that will help her punishment get started immediately. Still, four hours, sixteen minutes will be a very, very long time.

[Stacee Skye]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye

Let’s Go

Just before Christmas, I showed up for a quick training session and gave [Stacee Skye][] a fairly simple task: get dressed so that you can go outside. And she did a fairly decent job of it:

![Ready to Go](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2009/01/btsp_081222-007s.jpg)

[Stacee Skye]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye

So I said, “Let’s go” and she replied “Let me get my coat.” Big mistake. Continue Reading

… and a Painful New Year

While I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, I hope that the holiday glow lasts in the cheeks of [Pieclown][] and [Stacee Skye][] though the month of January. This assignment is being given to both of them and is due to be completed by the end of January: you are to have someone paddle you like you in a skirt and high heels.

* The length of the punishment is up to the person doing the paddling.
* The implement used is up to the person doing the paddling. You are to offer all that you have at your disposal for them to pick from.
* Bondage during the paddling is up to the person performing it, though you are required to let them know it is highly encouraged.
* You must request that they take pictures.
* If asked if you have “had enough”, you must reply “No” or “Only if you think I have had enough”
* When the punishment is over, you must thank them in whatever manner they wish.
* You must make a post about your punishment.
* You must ask them how soon they would like to repeat the punishment. This entire scenario is to be repeated as many times as they would like by the end of January.

Let’s hope that they don’t want to repeat it everyday….

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown
[Stacee Skye]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye

Rubberized Fishnets

A while back, [Stacee Skye][] got an email from Sissymaid Patty who was extoling the virtues of the rubberized fishnet stockings that she wears as a part of her maid uniform:

> The rubberized fishnets are perfect for a real French Maid to wear while actually doing cleaning, since they resist the bleach and other cleaning chemicals commonly used while cleaning toilets and restrooms. These tasks are important for my humility training and the lesbians I serve have me doing these chores all the time.

> Until I started wearing the rubber fishnets, my maid service fishnet hose was always tattered and I was constantly disciplined for being “out of proper maid’s uniform”. The rubber fishnets solved this problem and now i could not imagine trying to properly serve my mistresses without them.

> They are available in seamless or back seamed, and in nude to the waist or with a crotch panel to accommodate your chastity belt if you are required to serve in one. They are also available with sewn in rubberized comfort insole should you be permitted to wear those.

Of course, [Stacee Skye][] had all of this information, but neglected to tell me or Mistress M about how they could be obtained and then used on her. Rather convenient.

[Stacee Skye]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye

Stacee Skye: Hideous

[Stacee Skye][] has quite a bit of clothing in her closet which could politely called hideous. So I though it would be good for her to get rid of it–but not before taking pictures of herself in it first. And of course I had to make sure that she was properly underclothed first.

Of course, I couldn’t tell [Stacee Skye][] the real reason for the photo shoot because she wouldn’t give it her all. So I told her that I was going to have her take photos of some of my favorite clothes in her closet and to make them look good. And as a little added incentive I put one of her plugs and the her harness out where she could see them. She could do it my way, or she could do it my much more painful way.

Yeah, and do I even need to mention that it didn’t start out well? Before she had even tried on one piece she had already earned her tightest (white) corset panty, her tightest (white) girdle panty, her posture collar and high heels. Some girls never learn. I’ll post the results as soon as I have them.

**Answers to Questions You Didn’t Ask:**

Of course there were rules for her photo shoot: (1) No lying, sitting, kneeling or leaning–even when changing clothes. (2) The high heels do not come off when changing clothes. (3) Exactly three pictures of each article. They should all be good. (4) No peeking at the camera after the pictures are taken. (5) Use only the 2-second timer. Hit the button and run into place. (6) Pictures with skin showing below the bra, white underwear showing, bra forms showing, without all cuffs showing or out of focus are not considered “good”.

I wouldn’t call it hard. If I wanted it to be hard she would be hooded and gagged and have her ankles clipped together and her wrists on a short chain and her tits a more appropriate size. If I wanted it stupidly easy, I would have had her do it while I wasn’t around. I don’t need to sit around while she lounges in panties, trying to pick out things to get rid of.

Well there is still plenty of stuff in her closet, some of which still needs to go. I wouldn’t bet on her going naked anytime soon.

No, I don’t like pants that much. My girls should spend all of their time in skirts and dresses (if they are even allowed to wear outer clothes at all.

Of course I gave her a break. I sent her outside once she took the pictures in the coral striped dress. I actually like it. And since I was worried about the shoes in the yard, I let her take those off.

No it wasn’t dark out.

I don’t know if the neighbors saw her or not. They were in their backyard riding go-karts.

Yes, I really sent her outside like that.

No. Should I care if they saw her?

[Stacee Skye]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye

Why I Love Working with Stacee Skye

One of the reasons that I love working with [Stacee Skye][] is that she is so damn predictable. Everyday she will come home from work and head straight to the bathroom. Today she found me waiting with a large diaper.


Note that it is still small enough for her to get on pants that are normally two sizes too big, so its not close to too big. So I’m going to send her out to the back deck for a few with her pants and a tight shirt to show off the small (D-cup) forms I had her put in. Maybe if she is good I will let her take the forms out before I send her further in the back yard to get ready for later tonight. And if she’s not, then I predict it will become much harder for her to waddle about her house pretty soon.

**Update 1 (6:10pm):**

Of course, once I told her she was going out on the deck, she put up a fit and said she wasn’t going out there in her loose shirt and pants. For once I agreed–I sent her out the side door (which has a bit more protection from prying eyes) wearing just her diaper and a way too small shirt. Wasn’t she cute?


[Stacee Skye]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye

**Update 2:**

As when enlarging the size of breast forms, when putting on a diaper, bigger is always better. How big is too big? Well, I haven’t found out yet, but as long as it still fits through a hula hoop, its probably too small.

Of course, since I wouldn’t want [Stacee Skye][] messing up this nice large diaper, I made sure that there were a couple of disposables underneath. So think of this one as just for show. (As in showing off to neighbors and friends and anyone else who cares to look just what a big sissy [Stacee Skye][] is).

Stacee Skye: Bitch Baby

Here’s a blast from the past: [Stacee Skye][] starring as “Bitch Baby”. She “can’t” remember when she took the picture, but thinks it was sometime between Jan 1996 and Oct 1999. Yeah, way to narrow down the range there. The pictures quality is due to a poor original: she took an out of focus picture of herself in the mirror and then kept in hidden for quite a while–until now.

![Bitch Baby](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/06/btsp_000000-001s.jpg)

Judging by the size, I think she may have had a pillow between her legs as a part of the diaper. Her breasts are duct taped into place. And she has “Bitch” written down one leg and “Baby” up the other. In permanent marker. So what do you think of her get up?

[Stacee Skye]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye

Never Trust Mistress Amber

As soon as got back on the property, Mistress Amber called to tell me to put the clothespins on. Like I didn’t see that coming.

And by the time I get back to the house, they are really hurting, so I ask if I can take them off. And Mistress Amber says “i’ll do you this one favor.” So she takes off my jeans and the panties and the penis harness before putting on a corset and four layers of an adult diaper. Four layers and then the same panties I was wearing.

And she puts in the small forms. Not that it really matters, because the elastic in the bra is so far gone that it doesn’t give any support, so every time I move, the forms move. Up and down. Right and left. Oh, and they grab the clothespins as they move.

As I was trying to put my jeans back on (over the huge diaper), surprise, surprise, they don’t fit. She says ‘don’t worry, you can just use this skirt instead,’ as if it is an equal trade. And as punishment for the jeans not fitting back over the diaper that she put on, I’ve got to wear high heels now.

So now, as a part of her “favor”, I’m sitting her typing this as my nipples still burn. She said she will consider taking them off when I get back inside. I’m coming to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter what I do–the punishment is always going to be the same.

This is freaking ridiculous.

Stacee Skye: Another Beginning

Apparently [Stacee Skye][] didn’t realize that I would be waiting for her when she got home from work. She complained that she wasn’t ready and had to take the lawn mower to the shop. I told her it was fine. She could take it to the shop while wearing a bra and panties without any problem. And the penis harness for good measure. I think she has a clue what is coming since I sent some clothes pins with her “just in case”. I don’t think there is any question that those will be on when she gets back.

**Update at 6:22pm:** After all of [her complaining][1], she sure wasn’t outside very long before wetting herself. I wasn’t planning on keeping her in a wet diaper very long, but I don’t have anything else planned, so I guess it will have to do. I way even eventually let her take her clothespins off, but not too soon. I need to get them toughened up because Mistress M has mentioned some big plans for them.

**Update at 6:45pm:** [Stacee Skye][] seemed so happy when I had her take pictures of herself taking off one item of clothing at a time. She didn’t even complain when I only left her in one high heel for a while and the breast forms bounced wildly as she ran to get in place for the picture: at last the clothespins were coming off. Perhaps that is why she looks so sad kneeling next to me wearing a corset, a diaper and those clothespins. She just has not learned her lesson yet.

**Update at 7:02pm:** When I put some weights on the clothespins and they were pulled off, I wasn’t feeling evil enough to put them back on. (I mean I could have, since she obviously didn’t do a good job putting them on in the first place, but I’ll save more clothespins for later.) So I left them off, but a bra and forms back on, dressed her in her [KDPi][2] t-shirt and sent her back outside. It’s not that bad: she doesn’t have on any bondage gear (yet) and the t-shirt mostly covers the diaper. Besides, it should be dark in 3 hours or so.

[Stacee Skye]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye
[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2008/06/never_trust_mistress_amber
[2]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/about/kappa_delta_pi

Stacee Skye: Super Squishy

This was to be part of a post from back in December that I never got around to finishing:

To make sure that she would have absolutely no question as to what was to happen tonight, I left a message for [Stacee Skye][] at work to let her know that she was not to use the restroom after 3pm and that she was to call me when she was ready to leave. Predictably, when she called, she said she needed to use the restroom. So her first stop on the way home was to get some adult diapers.

One top of the first diaper was a pair of panty hose and some big girl panties–you would hardly know she was wearing a diaper. That is, until she leaked through and soaked he shorts. So she was sent back to the garage to put another diaper on over the first. Which worked fine till she soaked another set of shorts. Since then, I gave her a cut off shirt and left the shorts off, she has been back out to the garage two more times–each time putting two additional diapers on. And they still look like she is soaking through.

I had such poor luck last time with leakage, I haven’t tried again.

[Stacee Skye]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye

Stacee Skye Paddles Herself

[Stacee Skye][0] had to use the bathroom when she arrived home to find [Mistress Amber][1] waiting, [Stacee Skye][0] was forced to paddle herself and make a video. [Stacee Skye][0] also must write in the third person until [Mistress Amber][1] thinks she is worthy. Once [Stacee Skye][0] is finished with this post, she must get ready for an exercise routine.

[0]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye
[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/

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