[Stacee Skye][] has quite a bit of clothing in her closet which could politely called hideous. So I though it would be good for her to get rid of it–but not before taking pictures of herself in it first. And of course I had to make sure that she was properly underclothed first.
Of course, I couldn’t tell [Stacee Skye][] the real reason for the photo shoot because she wouldn’t give it her all. So I told her that I was going to have her take photos of some of my favorite clothes in her closet and to make them look good. And as a little added incentive I put one of her plugs and the her harness out where she could see them. She could do it my way, or she could do it my much more painful way.
Yeah, and do I even need to mention that it didn’t start out well? Before she had even tried on one piece she had already earned her tightest (white) corset panty, her tightest (white) girdle panty, her posture collar and high heels. Some girls never learn. I’ll post the results as soon as I have them.
**Answers to Questions You Didn’t Ask:**
Of course there were rules for her photo shoot: (1) No lying, sitting, kneeling or leaning–even when changing clothes. (2) The high heels do not come off when changing clothes. (3) Exactly three pictures of each article. They should all be good. (4) No peeking at the camera after the pictures are taken. (5) Use only the 2-second timer. Hit the button and run into place. (6) Pictures with skin showing below the bra, white underwear showing, bra forms showing, without all cuffs showing or out of focus are not considered “good”.
I wouldn’t call it hard. If I wanted it to be hard she would be hooded and gagged and have her ankles clipped together and her wrists on a short chain and her tits a more appropriate size. If I wanted it stupidly easy, I would have had her do it while I wasn’t around. I don’t need to sit around while she lounges in panties, trying to pick out things to get rid of.
Well there is still plenty of stuff in her closet, some of which still needs to go. I wouldn’t bet on her going naked anytime soon.
No, I don’t like pants that much. My girls should spend all of their time in skirts and dresses (if they are even allowed to wear outer clothes at all.
Of course I gave her a break. I sent her outside once she took the pictures in the coral striped dress. I actually like it. And since I was worried about the shoes in the yard, I let her take those off.
No it wasn’t dark out.
I don’t know if the neighbors saw her or not. They were in their backyard riding go-karts.
Yes, I really sent her outside like that.
No. Should I care if they saw her?
[Stacee Skye]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/stacee_skye
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