Pieclown’s Potty Mouth Punishment

Even with disregard for the previous treatments, I wasn’t to eager to punish [Pieclown][]. I was swayed by the overwhelming vote for her punishment, but it wasn’t pushing me to the extreme side. I was even feeling charitable about the slip-shod job of putting the [Rules and Regulations][1] together. Right up until I saw the blatant lie she put at the top of the page:

> Hint to all. This site works best with Internet Explorer.

Maybe I wouldn’t be offended if I *ever* used Internet Explorer to view or administrate the site. (I don’t.)

Maybe I wouldn’t be offended if I actually liked Internet Explorer. (I don’t.)

Maybe I wouldn’t be offended if The Institute ran on Windows PCs. (It doesn’t.)

So, this punishment will work on her potty mouth. The good news is there are no treatments in this punishment. The bad news is she will wish there were.

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown
[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/about/rules_and_regulations

Until the final portion of this punishment is completed, unless otherwise instructed, you are to wear panties and a bra. On Monday (March 2nd), pantyhose are also to be worn at all times. On Wednesday (March 4th), a corset or girdle it to be added. I would suggest getting done before Friday the 6th.

You will finish two nights of punishment for each treatment you missed–four nights total. Each night will be the same punishment, repeated. You are to take pictures of the *entire* process and include them in your post. (You must have been dressed during the entire day in order to do this punishment at night.)

* Ensure you entire bikini is shaved.
* Put on a diaper–disposable or otherwise. If it is disposable, I suggest taping it on to ensure it doesn’t slip off.
* Put clothespegs on your nipples
* Put on a large bra and large forms.
* Spend 10 minutes practicing your oral technique on your largest anal plug.
* Gag yourself with the plug. You are not to touch it until you are told to remove it.
* Write out two copies of your sentence.
* Remove the gag.
* Insert a bar of soap.
* Write out three additional copies of your sentence.
* Remove the bar of soap.
* Spend an additional 10 minutes practicing your oral technique on the plug.
* Make the post on the site.
* Double check your post
* Triple check your post.
* You may remove the clothespegs, if you wish.
* Go directly to bed
* You may remove the diaper in the morning, after you have gotten up for the day.

That is all. And if you start tomorrow, you won’t have to start adding clothes on Monday. (Start complaining and I will make it worse. The diapers won’t just be at night. The plug will be installed prior to practice. Practice will also be one on the bar of soap. And so on.)

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/about/rules_and_regulations


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OH My Goodness. I see the punishment you have place here. I prefer Firefox, but I must be to dumb to get the ftp or admin sections to work for on Firefox. That is why I made the comment about using Internet Explorer

@pieclown: I know you see it, but it doesn’t perform a function unless you actually go through with it. Only time will tell. And it will start telling very soon.

So pieclown have you started your punishment yet?

[…] most resent punishment has me paying for not doing all my treatments. I am to wear panties and a […]

[…] most resent punishment has me paying for not doing all my treatments. I am to wear panties and a bra, every day until I […]

[…] most resent punishment has me paying for not doing all my treatments. I am to wear panties and a bra, every day until I […]

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