Does your Mistress make you perform Maid’s Duty with a Diaper on? Do you have to keep it on even when it is soiled? Do you have trouble keeping it on as you work hard at your sissy chores? With Mistress Amber’s Approval you may want to order a Jumper in lieu of a diaper cover. It is easier to keep in place because it is a [jumper]( and has over the shoulder straps. Duct tape is so messy and ruins the diaper cover unless you are careful. There is also a cute accessory for sissy babies to go with the jumper. A must have sissy baby [pacifier]( to plug in your sissy mouth while you work and to keep a sissy from complaining. Of Course, if you have been a particular naughty sissy, Mistress Amber may want you to struggle with keeping your diaper up as an additional punishment and reminder or she may want you to so overstuff your diaper that this will not fit. If you have been a good sissy and have pleased Mistress Amber you may want to ask her permission to use this while performing your sissy chores.

Oh my gawd, thats soo cute!
Can you link me to the site that has it? i wanna get one.
Do they have animal prints, or pink? squeals
This is a great idea as I see this may happen to me in the future. Because a sissy like me needs to wear a thick diaper and my place needs a little bit of cleaning done as well.