I have been to my friends Wedding and it was very nice. The reception was held in a big hotel in the city and I got a room in the hotel, so needless to say, I did drink way to much and I am know paying the price. I returned to my room after the wedding to start my punishments and must confess that I failed at my first assignment and the one I had been looking forward to for 6 weeks of chastity. I was unable to milk my sissy clitty into my diaper. I was so depressed, but I will blame it on having to much alcohol and nothing else. There are to be many diaper changing opportunities through the weekend. I put my diaper and rubber cover on, prepared the bed and attached all of the cuffs and collar and fell into bed. I was tired and fell asleep quickly and did not awake until 8:30 when I felt my wet and messy diaper.
The morning proved more successful for changing my diaper (I did remember to stuff my plug into my mouth) and milking my sissy clitty into a new diaper, it did work this time even with a huge hangover. The sticky new diaper did remind me through the morning of my punishment. There was a nice full service restaurant in the lobby and I went off to brunch with my friends and managed to eat some breakfast which did make me feel better. Conversation was good with the girls talking about the wedding and the dresses and how good everyone looked. The guys talked about playing golf in the afternoon, which I had already made an excuse for not going. This was an additional punishment (no golf) that was not assigned, but still obeyed because I would be busy performing my punishments. I was jealous of them, but only half listening to them as I listened in on the girls conversations. Most times I would rather listen to the girl’s conversations rather then the normal things the guys argue about.
Well I did get through the first event. However, I did realize that this would be the easiest event of the weekend.

to would have worn a diaper under my suit to the wedding. That sound like more fun to me. But no golfing would be hard for me:(
Wearing a diaper under my suit would have been really humiliating. Tough to hide a diaper under one’s suit.