A Walk in the Park

Later this week both Stacee Skye and Ashley Nicole will be taking “A Walk in the Park”. In addition to the main assignment Big Girl in the Park, they have the “choice” of as many of the ancillary assignments as they would like to do as well:

  • Errand Bitch
  • Smoking Hot
  • Punishing Picnic
  • Litter Bug

Imagine how much fun you could have on your own walk as well. For those that are interested, you will receive instructions on how to complete the activity to my exacting specifications and learn if you are a Big Girl or just a Diapered Sissy. Given the amount of planning and work required to set up this event, a minimum tribute of $39 is required. This will give you access to the main assignment and as many of the ancillary assignments as you want to perform.

Post a comment here or contact me on Twitter to start the process of going on a walk of your own.

Warning: This offer is only guaranteed to be valid for the next three weeks and once August rolls around may be gone forever.


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mistress, I will do this over the long weekend to your exact requirements and you can have the tributes tonight. I really need you x

SHOOT! September 3rd already.

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