Stacy Skye: Password Punishment

Since I don’t have as much time to go and train [Stacee Skye][] as I would like, I have come up with a few ideas for just keeping her reminded about what has happened and what may be coming in her future. One of these is that for her day job, she is only allowed to use passwords that I pick out.

Passwords like `Wh1pped!` and `P4ddled!` remind her of the times that Mistress M has blistered her ass. More recently she was reminded (though [`200Wood$`][2]) that if she fails to make good decisions (or any decision at all), Mistress M will not hesitate to lay into her. This time, it was a full 200 strokes with the heavy wooden paddle.

Then there were the passwords after she was [`ssSh*v3d`][3], `ssSp*nk3d` and turned into a [`S1ssyMd!`][5]. Perhaps those training sessions helped to keep her in line by reminding her who is in charge (`M1stre$$`) and how she should be treated (`53rveM$T`). And of course, I added a few passwords to reminder her of the time she was [`D1*pered`][6] and then conscripted to join a [`$0roritY`][7].

In an effort to stave off some of the inevitable questions, here are a couple of answers:

**Does she know what part of her [upcoming training][1] will be?**

**Is she ready for your visit?**
Well I had her buy a couple of the things I will require when she was out shopping tonight, but she was not thrilled with the purchase. In fact, when I picked out her next password a couple of weeks ago, which gave her the shopping list, she told me where I could stick those items. I am planning return her kindness in a similar vein.

**Will I post what her current password is?**

[Stacee Skye]:



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How is it that you think giving me a nickname like “D***** T***” is a good idea. You’re damn right that I told you to shove those d****** right up your ass.

You’re out of your mind if you think I’m going to let you … leave me sitting out on the deck … again. I’m not going back there again.

Edit: I’m not sure why she thought she should post all of the details of her upcoming punishment (unless she was trying for a sympathy vote), so I just edited out a couple of words. I think enough of her attitude comes across though. –AS

Some ideas for other passwords Br@$46dd,BIGbr@52J, Frz#nB00b$, $#opping$!$$y, N!ppl3p!n$. Just some ideas. Have not figured out how to do the outside or hooded or cuffed. But you have given quite a few already.

I have passed the suggestions on to her. Unfortunately, due to her on job security requirements, she can’t actually tell me her password until she has already changed it. And then it is another 3 months before she can change it again, so I am always behind the times on this.

You should always write down and keep in a safe place your passwords. This is a mistake that could cost you money in addition to being punished by the Misstress’

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