You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

There is an old saying that ” You Can’t Teach An Old Dog New Tricks ”

Well that is not entirely True. You Can

Last week I reported that on my trip to visit Relatives, that I did not wear my thong – “Sissy Summer” – at nights because of so many people around.

This past weekend was that second half of a very busy two weeks for me. I had a four day weekend with a bunch of friends that I do every year. This year we rented a House on a lake with 9 people. I was worried how I would be obedient to Sissy Summer.

I must first thank pieclown because I did remember her advice about keeping the thong on under her boxer shorts.

Then I definitely remembered Mistress Amber’s admonition (Threat of Punishment) that if I had just kept my thong on it was all right to wear boy’s underwear over them.

Well I remembered. I wore my thong 24/7 with my boy’s underpants over my thong. It was uncomfortable, but I did it. An Old Dog finally listened and remembered and hopefully honored and was obedient to Sissy Summer.

Thanks – pieclown and of course – Mistress Amber – I never took my thong off.

sissy billy and Sissy Summer


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I distinctly remember saying it was OK as you slept (since you would have no other covering), but outside of that, the boxers should not have been worn.

Yes Mistress Amber. I did not understand the fine point of your relief. I did wear my thong 24/7, but I also wore my boy’s underpants 24/7. I am sorry Mistress Amber. I will not do that again. I wore only my thong today as is normal. I will only wear boy’s underpants again at night only when I am in danger of exposure. Thank you for the clarification Mistress Amber.

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