sissy billy’s Fantasy Island

In the beginning, [sissy billy][] assigned 14 trips to Fantasy Island:

Count | Trip
:—– | :—————————————
1 | [A Maid To Serve my Mistress][1]
2 | [A Pajama Party”][2]
3 | [Director of Nursing][3]
4 | [Being a Little Girl – Part 1][4]
5 | [My Prom Night][5] and [The After-Party][5b]
6 | [Attending Church on Sunday][6]
7 | [Mistress for a Day or a Few Minutes][7]
8 | [If you act like a Baby…][8]
9 | [The Bridal Shower][9]
10 | [A Ballerina][10]
11 | [Sorority Girl][11]
12 | [A Little Girl’s Birthday Party][12]
13 | [Sorority Pledge Hell Weekend][13]
14 | [Here Comes the Bride][14]


Since she was unwilling to finish these trips on time, she was given a total of twelve more assignments, one from each of the current clients plus a bonus assignment. (The trip listed in italics is different than proposed, because the original was a duplicate.)

Client | Trip | Bonus Trip
:————————- | :————————– | :———
Bitch Baby Brianna Montana | Salon Day | Fashion Model
[Maggie Rae][] | [High Roller][P2_] | [Double Down][P2B]
[Stacee Skye][] | [A Smurfy Centerfold][P3_] | [Smurfed All Night Long][P3B]
[pie clown][] | [Hometown Cheerleader][P4_] | [After the Homecoming Loss][P4B]
sissy baby jamie | _Giant Baby_ | Giant Helpless Baby
[sissy billy][] | Spa Day | For Mistress Rosemarie

[Maggie Rae]:
[Stacee Skye]:
[pie clown]:
[sissy billy]:


Now, she has until the end of her second summer semester to get them finished.

Or else.


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Mistress Katzenburg,

I do formally accept this assignment from the “Institute”.

All I can keep saying is “OH MY GOSH”.

I had made so many trips to Fantasy Island and now I have more. This is six more trips in addition to my courses that I must take during the 2nd semester. I know that you must be severe in my training, but Oh My Gosh.

sissy billy

Well, on the bright side, half of them don’t sound all that bad. You can just go ahead and enjoy Giant Baby and the follow up those, I’m sure those will be amusing to watch. Have fun sissy billy!

Hello Maggie-Rae,

Actually they all sound bad to me and no, I will probably not have a lot of fun.

Please, Maggie-Rae, please – come back and share the fun. I would so greatly appreciate it and it might divert Mistress Katzenburg’s attention just a little.

Both Mistress Katzenburg and Mistress Rosemarie seem to be ganging up on me in the 2nd Semester.

Work Your fingers to the bone,,,what do You get?
Boney fingers, Boney fingers.

It is not nice to be teased and it makes me feel sorry for myself. It is seldom nice being the sissy that I am, but I do deserve the punishments that I receive. This is so much to do with all my other course assignments and less then four weeks to make three trips and bonus trips. I hope to make at least one trip and bonus trip this weekend.

I apologize Sissy billy for teaseing You just because You HAVE to go to sissy summer school at the Institute and I get to watch You squirm from the safety of my keypad.

“OH MY GOSH!” “OH MY GOSH!” How could I not enjoy the finished assignments in Your field of study.

Did Sissy billy turn in the assignments yet?

No she has not. I am in the process of doing so, but I am late. I am sure that I will be penalized for this and I am also sure that I will suffer the consequences as a deliquent sissy should.

sissy billy

I am sure you will, but I will leave that to Mistress Katzenburg to deal with you.

You will, however, be downgraded for missing you due date.

Mistress Rosemarie and Mistress Katzenburg, Since I do NOT have to go to sissy summer school I would like to volunteer my services of tutoring sissy billy. That silly sissy thinks it can just break the rules anytime it wants to. Really looks bad for the Institute to have students doing whatever/whenever they want.

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