Tag Archives: pieclown

Independence Celebration

In the spirit of the upcoming 4th of July holiday, the following assignments are made:

**Red, White and Blue**
[Pieclown][] is to get dressed up nicely, in tight fitting white clothing. She will then pop her left breast form to show it was filled with a red liquid. She will smash a white whipped cream pie in her face. She will pop her left breast form to should it was filled with blue liquid. As a reminder that freedom isn’t free, she will be tightly packaged below the waist. Her packaging will remain in place from the time her assignment is begins until the post of the results is finished.

**Liberty in Diapers**
sissy billy is to get dressed up in her most padded diaper, biggest breast forms and a full regalia of cuffs, then do her best impression of [Lady Liberty][2]. There will be a quart of ice water poured down the front of her diaper once it is put on. She will stay completely dressed until her post is finished.

Note: If she can’t manage to get it stuffed well enough, then I will recommend to Mistress Rosemarie that she get a [spreading core diaper][1]. Having padding 16 inches wide between her legs would be a good reminder of what a sissy baby she is.

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown
[1]: http://adult-baby-shop.de/product_info.php?cPath=1_16_32&products_id=467&osCsid=77cbb1c16b35f5
[2]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Liberty

pieclown: Dream or ? – Part 2

[Pieclown](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown) turned to look at the door. It was the desk clerk, the woman, who had hit him with a pie in the face. Julie stood there with a scared little smile. [Mistress Amber](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/amber_shummer) spoke “Pieclown, this is Julie, oh right you two have already met. Julie has been in contact with me. She is interested in becoming a mistress for
[The Institute](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/) I have been instructing for a short time. Today she will get some hands on training. Since she is not quite a mistress, you will refer to her as Miss Julie. Pieclown stand up and say hello.” Pieclown stood up, turned, and said “Hello, Miss Julie”. Miss Julie took a step in, but Mistress Amber held up her hand. “Pieclown are you going to welcome her in or should she leave?” asked Mistress Amber. Continue Reading

pieclown: Potty Mouth – Cleaned Up – IV

My most resent
has me paying for not doing all my [treatments](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2009/01/pieclownatonement_bra_show). I am to wear panties and a bra, every day until I get this done. I was to add panty hose on Monday, and girdle on Wednesday, if I did not post all four punishments. Me and my clown ways screwed up and thought if I started on time would not do this. Well if I had started on time and did it everyday I would b done before I need to add more clothing.
This photo is from Tuesday.


Here I added pantyhose.

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pieclown: Potty Mouth – Cleaned Up – III

Third time is not a charm.

My most resent
has me paying for not doing all my [treatments](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2009/01/pieclownatonement_bra_show). I am to wear panties and a bra, every day until I get this done. I was to add panty hose on Monday, but I misinterpreted Mistress Amber’s instructions. She said if I started Thursday, I would not need to add any more clothes. Had I done everyday since Thursday, I would have been done on Sunday and not needed extra clothes. Well here is what I did wear.
This photo is from Sunday.

This photo is from Monday.

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pieclown: Potty Mouth – Cleaned Up – II

2nd Round

My most resent
has me paying for not doing all my [treatments](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2009/01/pieclownatonement_bra_show). I am to wear panties and a bra, every day until I get this done.

This photo is from Friday.


This photo is from Saturday. Mistress Amber said in a recent conversation, that I should do a photo in a sexy way. So I snapped one normal photo and a little sexier.

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pieclown: Potty Mouth – Cleaned Up – I

My most resent
has me paying for not doing all my [treatments](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2009/01/pieclownatonement_bra_show). I am to wear panties and a bra.


This will go on until I get my potty mouth cleaned.

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Pieclown’s Potty Mouth Punishment

Even with disregard for the previous treatments, I wasn’t to eager to punish [Pieclown][]. I was swayed by the overwhelming vote for her punishment, but it wasn’t pushing me to the extreme side. I was even feeling charitable about the slip-shod job of putting the [Rules and Regulations][1] together. Right up until I saw the blatant lie she put at the top of the page:

> Hint to all. This site works best with Internet Explorer.

Maybe I wouldn’t be offended if I *ever* used Internet Explorer to view or administrate the site. (I don’t.)

Maybe I wouldn’t be offended if I actually liked Internet Explorer. (I don’t.)

Maybe I wouldn’t be offended if The Institute ran on Windows PCs. (It doesn’t.)

So, this punishment will work on her potty mouth. The good news is there are no treatments in this punishment. The bad news is she will wish there were.

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown
[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/about/rules_and_regulations
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Pieclown and Treatments

[Pieclown][] dropped me an email earlier tonight letting me know that her [Rules and Regulations][1] would not be done in time to avoid starting treatments. Then she implored, “Oh course you could be nice and say I do not have to do treatments?” I let her know that “I could, if I was in a charitable mood. Unfortunately, for you I am not. And with a pending punishment for missing part of your previous treatment, you should not push your luck.” And that’s not the worst thing for her.

Starting tomorrow I will be rejecting any pictures from sissies that are not properly named. You may want to get a move on Pieclown, cause sissies are submitting at least two pictures a day.

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown
[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2009/02/documenting_the_rules

**Update:** Besides keeping me from continually reviewing the rules with new clients, one of the main reasons that I want them documented in a single place is so that I have a good reference. I just wasted time trying to find an answer about treatments, and then found that the answer from before wasn’t as clear as I thought it was.

For the purposes of determining treatments, the day an assignment is made is considered day zero. The first treatment currently starts on day four. Thus an assignment made on Thursday will start incurring treatments four days later on Monday.

pieclown: Dream or ?

Dream or ?

Pieclown could not believe he was doing this. The recent winner of the power ball was going to do something out of the ordinary. He was driving to meet his mistress. Not some 20 something hottie, but a woman that would put him through the ringer. Amber Shummer was this woman. Pieclown had met her a few years back, on the web site Institute of Crossdresser Punishment. She was in charge there and started requesting and then instructing pieclown as a member of the Institute. Winning the powerball, pieclown took care of the taxes, bills, savings, and tithing. He then contacted Mistress Amber about a possible meeting. She was open to the idea only on her terms. So here was pieclown driving across several states to meet with her.

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pieclown:Atonement (Bra Show)[UPDATED]

Hello All. It was several days after I was ask to leave the salon school, that I finally did my bra show. I knew I have better duplicate what the conditions to my best ability.
I had been clothed pinned and plugged at the salon, so I redid this while I started to shave my chest and below the belt.


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Looking at You

1. Have you ever looked at something so long that you realized what seemed like a good idea at the time, really just grates on your nerves? The theme for the site will be changing after this post.

2. Though I see comments occasionally from a few readers, I would like to get a better sense of who is reading every day, what your background is and what you would like to see more of. If you are reading, please take a moment to make a comment on this post.

3. [Pieclown][] began her treatment yesterday–the second assignment in a row. I’m beginning to think that she likes being forced to wear panties and hose.

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown

Why There Are Rules

There are rules on the names of files so that given the name of a picture, I will know what is contains and that the various versions of that picture will all be of the same content. Which is why I get extremely frustrated when the rules are flaunted.

[Pieclown][], your next task is to explain why some of the pictures from February 26, 2008 have duplicated names. I expect a suitable explanation and the problems to be fixed.

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown

pieclown: Pantied n Hosed

As part of my [Hard as a Rock](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2009/01/hard_as_a_rock) assignment, I was required to wear panties every day, until the assignment was done.

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pieclown: Big Ball Slut

Hello all, this posting is in response to the assignment [Hard as a Rock](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2009/01/hard_as_a_rock). Not the AC/DC song Big Balls.

Some of you that have read through the Institute know that this is also based on the on idea of [Heavy Knockers](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2007/02/heavy_knockers).
I was required to get some bowling balls and use them instead of balloons. My thought was I would be checking thrift stores and second hand sports equipment. I took a chance and check
[Craig’s List]( http://www.craiglist.com)

I got lucky and found the bowling balls on sale for five dollars each.


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Getting Hosed

Well, I can see that [Pieclown][] has at least started on fixing the problems from last time. (She logged on and updated the first part of her post less than an hour after I posted the initial grade.) Unfortunately, she doesn’t appear to be anywhere close to finishing her remedial assignment, so starting Monday the 12th, she will be wearing pantyhose any time she is wearing panties. If the assignment isn’t finished, the clothes will continue to pile on.

Oh yeah, I should also mention that enforcement will be stepped up on the “acknowledgment rule”. Anytime an assignment is given, a punishment is noted, or grade is bestowed, that action shall be acknowledged and accepted in the same manner as originally sent. (If it is given in email, reply via email. If it is posted here, reply with a comment.) It shall also be completed as soon as possible, but no later than the *first* time it is seen by the client.

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown

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