Impediment == Speech

I think this speech, which is being sent to [sissy billy][] explains everything fairly nicely:

> sissy billy would like to apologize to Mistress Rosemarie and Mistress Katzenburg for falling so far behind on her assignments. sissy billy realizes that she has been afforded an excellent opportunity to pledge Kappa Delta Pi, but cannot start on time because she has neglected her other assignments for a very long time. sissy billy is very sorry that she has embaressed Mistress Rosemarie by not being ready for this opportunity. To rectify this, sissy billy has been given this speech and will follow the directions written herein.

> Before going to bed, sissy billy will get dressed in her silky nightgown and record a video of herself reading this entire speech. After reading the speech sissy billy will, show herself stuffing a bar of soap in her mouth. sissy billy will then save the video and upload it for Mistress Katzenburg’s amusement the following morning. sissy billy will be allowed to remove the bar of soap when allowed by Mistress Rosemarie. sissy billy will not be allowed to rinse her mouth out or change clothes before going to bed.

> sissy billy will continue this ritual every night until she is caught up on her assignments. sissy billy will work diligently to catch up as she realizes Mistress Katzenburg will make this ritual harder over time and the longer the delay, the more Mistress Rosemarie is humiliated.

[sissy billy]:


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sissy billy:

You have embarrassed me once again in front of the other Mistresses by you lack of attention to the site, you lack of timeliness in completing your assignments, your rudeness and your continuing failure in sissy training. You deserve all that you get.

Mistress Katzenburg:

I too will enjoy this as sissy billy stumbles through her speech and punishment each night. Motivation is good for sissies.

Thank You, Mistress Rosemarie

I confess by own negligence to falling behind and not completing my assignments. It is completely my fault and I accept this punishment until I have completed my assignments.

Thank You Mistress Katzenburg, sissy billy

I accepted my treatments for not completing my assignment on time. I performed my treatments as specified by Mistress Katzenburg on Friday (7/2) and Thursday (7/1) nights. I completed my assignments on Saturday morning 7/2.

Documentation has been placed in my Drop Box per Mistress Katzenburg.

sissy billy

Well done Sissy Billy, I hope your documentation was well received. Sometimes its very hard bein a sissy, but its good fun too. xx

Hello slut_tricia, welcome. Some of the activities of “The Institute” are fun like writing essays or making up stories or performing some of the dress-up tasks, but I have learned as you should that as sissy clients of “The Institute for Cross-Dressing Punishment” we are here to be punished for our sissy Cross-Dressing ways and not to have fun.

When Mistress Rosemarie sees called upon to punish me for being naughty it is definitely not fun. She also has a large array of soaps from ivory to pink Camey and they all have a distinctive taste and they linger in your mouth because she does not allow me to spit the soapy suds out.

It is also difficult to not be naughty and fail your assigned tasks. Mistress Katzenburg has many ways of letting us experience the consequences of our failures and lack of attention to our sissy duties.

So be good. sissy billy

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