Council of Phi Decree

WHEREAS, the Council of Phi expects those installed in positions of power in organizations such as The Institute and Kappa Delta Pi to exhibit the highest integrity and exemplary work ethic at all times;

WHEREAS, Mistress Katzenburg has had over 7 weeks to finish the details celebrity bowling event for Kappa Delta Pi and has repeatedly failed to do so;

WHEREAS, Mistress Katzenburg has two new membership applications to The Institute that she has failed to deal with properly;

WHEREAS, Mistress Katzenburg has a two month backlog of email messages related to The Institute and Kappa Delta Pi that she has failed to control,

WHEREAS, Mistress Katzenburg is over 10 lessons behind on training for Week 3 of the Kappa Delta Pi pledge process;

WHEREAS, Mistress Katzenburg has failed to accurately track demerits for clients of The Institute and pledges of Kappa Delta Pi;

THEREFORE BE IT DECREED, that starting this evening, Mistress Katzenburg is to be held in a constant state of punishment and humiliation until such time as she is able to bring all of these activities current, including

(1) Postponing the celebrity bowling event,

(2) Soliciting punishment ideas from all current Mistresses and clients and pledges,

(3) Posting this decree on the front page of The Institute website;

FURTHER, IT IS DECREED, that if Mistress Katzenburg is unable work off her backlog before Monday morning, November 8th, she will be stripped of her commission at The Institute and removed from her position as Pledge Mistress in Kappa Delta Pi.

As set forth this 5th day of November, 2010 by the Council of Phi.


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After getting a visit from the Angel of Death, and being blacked out, the members of the council have left. They have given me just two hours before they return again to decide if my current punishment is severe enough.

Dear Council of Phi,

As stated in this post, I, pieclown a client of The Institute, will give forth my idea on punishment for Mistress Katzenburg. There seems to be five WHEREAS, not counting the first. I would say that Mistress Katzenburg, would write the punishment sentence of Myckie Jo five times. Mistress Katzenburg should be attired as such: packaged, plugged, panties, pantyhose, clothes pins on nipples, water balloon forms, large bra, collared, cuffed, white blouse, black skirt, and heels.

Now Mistress Katzenburg, may decrease the number sentences to be written:
1. By adding a second pair of clothespins. Thus 2 clothes pins for each nipple.
2. By taking a 2 quart enema before the start,
3. By having the water balloons completely frozen.

This would leave only 2 sentences to write.

Now if in the course of writing these sentences, should a form burst or she leak the enema, an additional punishment would be applied. The number of sentences completed would be taken times a roll of a 6 sided dice. This is the number of times Mistress Katzenburg would be spanked with a paddle. Mistress Katzenburg would be dressed in panties and bra, for this spanking.

pie pie 4 now

Hello pieclown, this seems very complicated, difficult to perform and very hurtful for Mistress Katzenburg.
I, on the other hand, am often in the position Mistress Katzenburg is in, being a sissy, would be far more lenient and would suggest that Mistress Katzenburg in lieu of being punished be shown the same sympathy that both you and I would wish shown us. That all punishments for both Mistress Katzenburg and all the sissy clients be rescinded for as long as it takes her to complete her assignments and that we all start with a clean slate.

If Mistress Katzenburg, in a leadership position of the institute feels that she thinks this is too lenient and does not wish to accept, that the following is instituted as a learning process of what her punishments are like.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Whatever activities and/or punishments are given by her as part of any authoritarian roles and positions she is in to any of her submissive sissies through the end of the year she is also to perform the same activity or punishment to better understand what her sissies are experiencing.

sissy billy

    Since my leadership ability is being questioned, I am unable to make the distinction.

    Dear sissy billy,
    I was only trying to take from past punishments passed out by Mistress Amber Shummer. She would offer a way to make it “easier” but harder. I tried to offer a real idea that was not too hard or too soft. Several of the things listed have been things I have done. I have had frozen water balloon forms and you have done cleaning with an enema. Yes it is nice to have one be lenient, but “punishment ideas from all current Mistresses and clients and pledges” was what was ask for.
    pie pie 4 now

Hello pieclown, thank you for your clarification.

My reading comprehension continues to be one of my biggest sissy faults. I still am not sure what is happening here. I know that Mistress Katzenburg is behind on her assignments of issuing activities and punishments, but earlier in the year she did say to me when Mistress Amber left that she would not have to same amount of time to devote as Mistress Amber did do to very personal reasons. I have understood this over the past year and was displaying some sissy compassion.

So I am still deep in my sissy confusion. I probably should not have said anything, but then I have been punished in the past for not responding as a sissy should whether it gets her in trouble or not.

That was a nice punishment you came up with from past experiences, but I am not surprised as you always seem to respond well as a sissy client and you have a lot of experience.

I was following your assuming that we were to suggest a suitable punishment, but my sissy confusion still makes me uncertain. I guess I would stay with my last sentence in my response and suggest Mistress Katzenburg’s punishment should mirror our punishments because she would be the one that developed them and would also have to endure them with us.

Still confused, sissy billy

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