Tag Archives: sorority

Fantasy Island – 13 “Sorority Pledge Hell Weekend”

As usual I could not make up my mind as I walked up to the Mistress of Fantasy Island. My mind, however, was made up for me quickly by the Mistress.

She asked if me if I remembered my Fantasy Island Wish about joining a Sorority. I, of course, nodded yes. Well then, she said, it is time for your Sorority Pledge Hell Weekend. I shuttered having read many articles of what they did to Sorority Girls during Hell Week. I was quickly dragged by the Fantasy Island Assistants to the Dressing Room and returned to Mistress after an hour of Sorority Girl prepping.


She complimented me about how I looked like the perfect Sorority Pledge and took my hand leading me to the Sorority House.

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Maggie-Rae: Dusting Off & Sorority Bitches

Returning to active status as a member of The Institute after a lengthy period of inactivity is no easy task, as I’ve been finding out these past couple days. A large backlog of assignments had been building, just waiting for my return, including an evil series of assignments that I just sat back, laughing to myself as the other sissies of The Institute soldiered through them a while back. The first of these assignments was [Dusting Off](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2010/06/dusting_off), where we would report for maid duties in our best maid’s attire to clean the sheet of dust that had developed over The Institute from such a period of inactivity. I might be late, but here I am, reporting for duty none the less—better late than never, I hope.


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Sorority Bitches Report Card

After a few days of waiting, the Sorority Bitches finally have their report card:

Round | Activity | Pieclown | sissy billy
:——- | —— | :—–: | :———-:
Dressed for Dinner | Waiting Outside | Passed | –
 |Mush Mouth | – | Passed
 |Happiness Pie | Passed | Failed [^1]
 |A Happy Ending | – | –
Early Punishments|Trapped in a Cage | | Failed [^2]
 |Public Paddling | Passed | Passed
 |Oral Practice I | Passed | Passed
 |Oral Practice II | – | –
 |Cleaning Up | Passed | Passed
Late Punishments|Exercise Time | Passed | Passed
 |Private Paddling | – | Passed
 |Shower Time I | Passed | Failed [^3]
 |Shower Time II | – | Failed
 |Shower Time III | – | Passed
Bedtime|Easy | – | Failed [^4]
 |Medium | Passed | –
 |Medium (2) | – | –
 |Hard | – | –
 |Hard (2) | – | –

Pieclown has eight passes (including one in each category) and zero fails. She is passed.

Sissy billy has seven passes (in three out of four categories) and five fails. Since she didn’t complete all four categories, she fails this assignment. But all is not lost, as Mistress Rosemarie has nominated her for membership in [Kappa Delta Pi](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/about/kappa_delta_pi), so she should get plenty of sorority bitch experience in the coming months.

[^1]: Don’t hold the pie pan in your hands if “no hands allowed”

[^2]: You have passed the activity “Sitting in a Box”

[^3]: See pieclown’s post for the meaning of bikini shave

[^4]: Partial credit may be available, but even giving her half credit for nights one and two, she still comes up a full night short on the easy task.

pieclown:Sorority Bitch

When [Mistress Katzenburg](http://institute.cdpunishment.com) gave the assignment of [Dusting Off](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2010/06/dusting_off) she let us there would be a [poll](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2010/06/dusting_off_the_polling_booth) to see who did it the best. The winner would not have to do the next [assignment](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2010/06/sorority_bitches). I was not the winner so had to participate in seven of the nineteen activities, spread over the four sections. One from each section.

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sissy billy – a Sorority Bitch

A short while ago we were all given an assignment. Because the Institute had become quite dusty, we were to present ourselves as a sissy maid prepared to clean. A Poll was established to vote on who had presented themselves as the most humiliated sissy maid.

The losers were to be trained further and experience further humiliation as “Sorority Bitches”.

From the Start my performance was inadequate and had 0 Votes until a late surge left me with 2 Votes, but still in last place. I guess I was the most in need of humiliation and training by the Sorority and now I was to be a “Sorority Bitch”.

The assignment was basically that you were to experience a Sorority initiation Training Exercise in obedience and humiliation. There would be four Training Sessions over the course of the Evening divided into a Pleasant Dinner at a reception hall followed by a punishment session for insolent Sorority Bitches. You were then to be taken back to the Sorority House for some additional Training Punishments. Then, finally, it was Bedtime and a pleasant Sleep. The actual training episodes were not so pleasant.

It was for each of us to determine our training activities. We were required to pick at least one activity in each session, a minimum of 7 total activities and the Judges were to decided which Sorority Bitch would graduate and which would need further training.

I intended to try as hard as I could to impress the Judges and would attempt as many activities as I thought I could accomplish. To start, I strove to make myself as pretty as I could and be the Best Sorority Girl I could. I was to attend a Dinner at a reception hall and the dress code was a Corset, stockings, high heels and a dress. Since it seemed like a formal affair, I chose an old, but very pretty Fancy Dress that I once imagined wearing to a Prom.

I stood ready to be a Sorority Bitch.


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Sorority Bitches

All clients not [voted](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2010/06/dusting_off_the_polling_booth) the most humiliated maid in [Dusting Off](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2010/06/dusting_off) will participate in this follow-up assignment. Each client will participate in seven of the nineteen activities, spread over the four sections of the evening. One activity from each section is required. (Note that if you are working with a real-time Mistress, she gets to choose which seven you perform. Also note that seven is the minimum and more could be required.)

The loser of this round will then go on to pick from “Babyface” and “On the Town”. Hint: you want to win this round.

#### Dressed for Dinner

All of the sorority girls are dressed up for dinner. Corset, stockings, high heels and a dress are required.

1. **Waiting Outside** – All of the girls are milling around outside, waiting to be let in to the banquet hall.

2. **Mush Mouth** – Dinner is jars of baby food and large pitchers of formula.

3. **Happiness Pie** – After dinner, all of the sisters have a whipped cream pie eating contest–no hands allowed.

4. **A Happy Ending** – All of the sissy sisters are brought up in front of the rest, given a plate and forced to masturbate onto it. Once everyone is done, the plates must be licked clean.

#### Early Punishments

After dinner is over, cuffs and collars are added to each sissy sister’s attire and a selection of punishments occurs while still at the banquet hall.

1. **Trapped in a Cage** – The sissy sisters are each locked in a dog kennel while the rest of the punishments are prepared.

2. **Public Paddling** – Each sissy sister is taken from the cage and given a good paddling.

3. **Oral Practice I** – Next, each gets to choose from a selection of dildos to practice their oral technique on.

4. **Oral Practice II** – After the sisters are satisfied the sissies have learned that lesson well, each sister picks a sissy for another oral practice session–on her.

5. **Cleaning Up** – Since the sissies may be a bit messy by now, each is gagged with a bar of soap before being led out of the banquet hall.

#### Late Punishments

Now back at the sorority house, the sissies have been relieved of their formalwear, finding themselves in a t-shirt (with the absolute largest forms they have in use) and shorts. All are still collared and cuffed, with some who have been less cooperative hooded, gagged and otherwise restrained.

1. **Exercise Time** – To work off the effects of dinner, most sissies start on an exercise program. At least 3 different exercises are required. (Examples include push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, running, swimming, jumping rope and walking on the elliptical.)

5. **Private Paddling** – Now that they are in the safety of their own house, the sisters break out all of the ass-busting implements and unleash until they are ready to quit. Sissies unclear on the concept of how long the paddling will last find themselves tied down and gagged while the blows continue.

2. **Shower Time I** – Sissies get a bikini shave

3. **Shower Time II** – Sissies get a leg wax

4. **Shower Time III** – To ensure their mouth is clean, sissies get to again practice their oral technique, this time on a wet bar of soap lubricated with dish washing soap.

#### Bedtime

Having showered, the sissies are now ready to be put to bed. The hard ones are reccomended, as it gets the activity over with quickly. Once marked medium must be done for three consecutive nights to be counted and those marked easy require five consecutive nights.

1. **Easy** – Wearing panties and a nightgown

2. **Medium** – Wearing panties, a fully stuffed bra and a nightgown

3. **Medium** – Diapered. Diaper can only be changed after getting up for the day.

4. **Hard** – Fully dressed and bound. Must include panties, hose, wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, bra w/ forms, nightgown. Earplugs, blindfold and hood are also suggested.

2. **Hard** – Super-stuffed diaper, bra with forms and cuffs.

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