It was a really nice Sunday in July and I had been told to dress nicely for Church. To clarify, Mistress Rosemarie and I always attended Church on Sundays, but while it was a threat to keep me behaving as a good sissy, we would sit in living room, me in a straight back chair, and watch the church service on the television. Sunday dress was either a nice skirt and blouse or sometimes a dress, stockings, high heels properly applied makeup and perfumed. I am always directed to dress and look lovely for Sunday.
My mistake this particular Sunday was to over react to a simple request from Mistress Rosemarie. She thought a nice picnic on such a nice summer day would be lovely. I got hysterical thinking that we would be going to the town park with me dressed in my feminine Sunday finery for all to see. I started to whine and refuse to even listen to her explanation of our picnic plans. I am so afraid of exposure to others that I would not listen. I carried on for 5 minutes until Mistress Rosemarie lost her temper, started yelling at me and I finally shut-up. When I was quiet for a minute or two, she just smiled and said OK, that we would have our picnic indoors, but that I had passed up a very pleasant afternoon. She later explained that she had found a very secluded place and it would have been very private.
I went and fixed myself and my makeup from my hysterics and stood in the kitchen where we would be having our picnic.
I was told to setup our picnic blanket on the Kitchen floor were it would be private as I wished. I was told to plop my sissy ass on the hard floor while she went to get the picnic basket. I knew she was mad and I knew that I should have been obedient, but it was too late for me to be good. Mistress Rosemarie had a lesson to teach me and I would learn it the hard way.
When she returned all she put on the little picnic box was condiments and her strap-on dildo. Then with a smile she squirted on my pretty hair several squirts of relish, mustard and catsup. I started to cry as they dripped down my face and then she handed me her strap-on and told me to start practicing my sucking and slurping routine as she watched and laughed at me. After 5 minutes I was allowed to stop and then she doused me with more relish, mustard and catsup and then it was back to sucking and slurping. This went on for several more times until I was soaked in condiments and my mouth ached from sucking the dildo.
I was then ordered to stand up and she dumped the remaining condiments in my panties as I picked up my skirt and down my bra. I stood silently sobbing for another 30 minutes and the condiments soaked my panties and bra and ran down my legs. I was ashamed about how childish I had acted.
Then I was sent to the garage and was told to walk around as I gushed and dripped. When I finally thought I was done and I thought she would relent, she told me I had another two hours to stand in the garage and contemplate about how naughty a sissy I had been and how the next time I should just do as I was asked.
I promised that I would be good, but I did stand there for another few hours. This was not a fun picnic like picnics should be, but I knew it was all my sissy fault.
well done, you look like you have learned a very valuable lesson. And you looked so pretty for your outing as well.
maidsadie xx
Hello maidsadie, I did feel pretty when I started, but the condiments for my picnic were icky and disgusting. Unfortunately I do learn my lessons, but seem to forget them far to quickly and seem to repeat them often. Mistress Katzenburg and Mistress Rosemarie also seem to never run out of lessons to help me learn and be a good sissy.
sissy billy
I relish the though of you having to repeat this picnic this winter.
Dear Mistress Katzenburg,
I applaud you comic sense.
pie pie 4 now
With all due respect Mistress Katzenburg, I do not relish or mustard or ketchup the thought of having another picnic before next summer.
It ruins and stains my pretty things as well as being exceptionally icky and disgusting.
sissy billy
Dear sissy billy,
Yes this picnic sounds like the assignment pieclown: Oscar Mayer Slut. I agree when you walk around with you panties filled with a mixture like this, you sloshes a real mess.
Hello pieclown, yes it was. I had read your assignment Oscar Mayer Slut and I could not realize how icky disgusting you must have felt until I enjoyed (Not) the same.
I too am often amused at Mistress Katzenburg’s comic sense, but not so much when it is directed at me.
sissy billy
Hi sissy billy,
Well done. But what surprises me is that a picnic should be enjoyed outdoors in the sunshine. That would have been far more embarassing I agree but far greatewr fun and you wouldn’t have got all ikky. It seems a shame that your pretty outfit was spoiled. Mistress has given me an idea but it will have to wait a while. Its freezing in the UK at the moment!