sissy billy: Happy Year 2011 – Again

Well, here I am again celebrating Happy New Year 2011 – Again.

I have been a sissy client for quite some time now and I should know better, but I was lazy and lax and have not read the Rules and Regulations lately. Big Mistake. I know that I am supposed to upload all untouched photos for Mistress Katzenburg to review and pass judgement. I accomplished the hardest part of the activity – celebrating Happy New Year 2011 and failed to do the simplest of requirements and upload the photos.

I will now pay the price for forgetfulness and lack of focus of accomplishing all my tasks. And – the second time for any assignment is always more difficult. Depending on the mood of the Mistress and how bad a sissy is it can be really really bad. I guess a repeat of the assignment and one added assignment means I was really not that naughty, but I still have not been told what the “Whine and Cheese” means. I will find out.

Happy New Year 2011 to all again.

I started with panties as before, but added stockings for some reason, then a stuffed bra and cuffs and my plastic baby jumper (new part of the assignment) and a large stuffed diaper.


Then the fun started, for Mistress that is. Mistress Rosemarie had been unhappy on my previous assignment because she had hoped that I mess my diaper. I had been given a quart of water to drink and a fleet enema – but I managed to not pee or poop. She decided that this time would be different. I knew my assignment would be harder this time around. She gave me an enema and then added a glycerin enema. I was also told that I would drink a glass of water every ten minutes. Then to make sure she added an extra special something. She had made a big bold of gritty grits to add to my enjoyment. I knew I would not last this time.


I then was handed my pretty frilly little girls sissy frilly party dress and with my hand cuffs coupled together and my ankle cuffs coupled together I was sent crawling through the house for more then an hour. I was stopped every ten minutes. told to sit on my ass so the grits were good and gushy and to drink a big glass of water. I did not last a half an hour before I could not hold the double enema and shortly thereafter started to pee into my diaper. It was getting horribly gushy and terribly uncomfortable and it squished everywhere. I knew now why I was wearing pantyhose as this kept my mess in my diaper and not leaking out. This was terribly disgusting and humiliating. I really do not like this baby stage.


Then the lesson in why a sissy should pay attention really started. Mistress Rosemarie explained to me the conversation she had with Mistress Katzenburg about a “Whine and Cheese” party. Mistress Katzenburg would take a can of cheese spread and while the sissy was watching spray a mound of cheese in several places of the dirty kitchen floor. Under tables, in dirty corners and randomly over the middle of the floor. The sissy was then to be blindfolded and would have to blindly lick her way around the floor until she had found all the mounds of cheese and licked the floor clean. This was going to be disgusting as I thought about the dirty floor.

Then Mistress Rosemarie told me a story about when she was pledging her Sorority in College. As pledges they would have to serve the sisters at happy hour on Fridays in the basement of the house where they could drink without anyone else knowing. The pledges on the other hand participated, but were given icky drinks like prune juice and appetizers of some kind of food that each hated.

Well Mistress Rosemarie then said that I would not have to hunt for cheese on the dirty floor, but instead spread a plastic tablecloth on the floor. She then added appetizers specially for me. In a line that I could follow – the first appetizer was a pile of grits with a raw egg in the middle, a gob of ketchup, a gob of mustard, a gob of relish, a big pile of peas and carrots, a pile of cottage cheese and the because I was a sissy and sissies should eat pussy cat food, a pile of cat food. Then a slime of marshmallow lead up to my dildo with piles of whipped cream. Every one of these would make me puke on a good day. At the end would be my reward and I could suck on my dildo pacifier like a good sissy baby.

Thus started the “Whine, Cheese and Appetizer” part of my punishment.


I was told to take off my pretty sissy frilly baby dress so I would not ruin it. Now I knew why I had been told to put on my plastic baby jumper. As I looked at this disgusting gauntlet I thought about begging for mercy, but knew it would be taken as whining and only lead to more disgusting things and no mercy. I got on my knees and then my belly and started crawling and eating and gagging and throwing up. Finally when I had reached my dildo I sucked on it for five minutes. Then on my knees I sucked on my dildo gag some more.


After all this disgusting humiliating punishment, I was sent of my bed for an hour and as I lay in bed filthy would cheese and appetizers and my diaper squishing with pee and poop and grits, I reminded myself to concentrate and do my assignments correctly the first time.

This is a table showing the extra treatments that I was required to do for failing to finish this assignment in a timely manner.

Day |Daytime |Nighttime |Date
4|||January 25
5|||January 26
6|||January 27
7|||January 28
8|[![](](|[![](](|January 29
9|[![](](|[![](](|January 30
10|[![](](||January 31

I have completed my posting of Happy New Year 2011 – Again and listed the Treatments. I also must acknowledge that I was away when my treatments should have started on Tuesday Day 4. I started when I returned on Saturday – Day 8 – January 28

Day 8 – Saturday I wore panties and pantyhose and at Night – I wore my turquoise Nightgown.

Day 9 – Sunday I wore panties and pantyhose and at Night – I wore my Pink Nightgown.

Day 10 – Monday – I wore panties, pantyhose and a bra to work.

I did not ignore any of my Treatments and tried to do each one, but did not complete Day 4 through Day 7 because I forgot the requirement of treatments and was also away from my computer. I accept that I did not complete the Treatment for these first few days and accept the consequences.

I have completed my assignment for Happy New Year.


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Well sissy billy, I wish you luck on your next grade. You do know you have open yourself for what ever Mistress Katzenburg, may require because of the treatments. There is always hope she will be merciful.

Hello pieclown, thanks for the good wishes.

When I got the grade of failure I was leaving the next day for a one week visit and knew then that I would not be able to perform the punishment assignment. Their is no way to avoid punishment for my failure in obeying the Treatment version of the Rules and Regulations. It has been a long time since I reviewed the Rules and it totally slipped my mind and there is no way I can hide it, which would be wrong anyway and would undoubtedly not get by Mistress Katzenburg.

I was away for a good reason visting my elderly Aunt and hope that Mistress Katzenburg is kind and merciful. I tried very hard to please her in this makeup assignment.

As you know I worry a lot about things I can’t control and I am imagining the worst.

After Ms Lisa put me through Babyface a while back, I have a bit of first hand knowledge about how cruel and humiliating sissy baby punishment can become. While that was the last time I had to seriously endure it, it seems like the Mistresses of The Institute have been seeing to it that you won’t be growing up from your sissy baby status for some time. While my recent activities, beginning the adventures of Geek Girl haven’t been terribily enjoyable, you’ve definitely had it much worse. I empathize, and who knows–one day, they might eventually let you grow up and be a big girl. Until then, all I can do is wish you luck in your coming punishments.

Thanks Maggie-Rae, One can only hope her baby days are behind her and she is growing up.

Watching you on twitter and your conversations with Mistress Katzenburg it is difficult to follow what is happening, but you certainly appear to be a busy little sissy. I do not envy you.

Best of luck to you in your activities

sissy billy

Sissy billy, I feel like I’m definitely getting the easier out here–I may be constantly in action (though even that is slowing down lately, thankfully), but I would much rather be a busy sissy than a punished baby. You’re more than welcome to keep filling that role–I’m nice and comfy where I’m at. I hope you enjoy your activities as well~


Hello Maggie-Rae, you may be right. Things have been very quiet in my baby world and while I am hoping to not be a baby much longer, it has been very quiet and nice.

I think I like watching you from afar even if I can not follow everything you have had to do.

Keep up the good work.

sissy billy

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