Getting Ready and The Truth

When I visit [Stacee Skye][], I expect her to be ready for her training to commence as soon as I arrive. I don’t like to be kept waiting.

Since she didn’t have the plugs out and ready for use I had her fetch them and then put the smaller goes in immediately–no lubricant allowed. It may have been needed, but that’s not my problem. I also insisted she be wearing high heels up until she goes to the store. I had planned to make her life easier, but she didn’t show me the same courtesy and on they went.

She also didn’t have the forms out and ready to go. So before I allowed her to put them in she had two clothespins put on each nipple. Hopefully she has learned to be better prepared next time.

When [Stacee Skye][] came back inside earlier after I sent her out to the garage, she insisted the she needed to go to the bathroom, so I allowed her to remove the plug and then she couldn’t go. After cleaning her out a couple of times, lo and behold, she didn’t need to go anymore. If she doesn’t want me getting a proper kit to actually fill her up, she better start telling the truth soon.

[Stacee Skye]:


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Hello Mistress Amber,

From what you have written, it does sound like she needs an enema treatment as part of her preperation routine.

And it’s just wrong not to be properly prepared and dressed for you when you come.

brenda lee

I would have been ready when she arrived if she had let me know when she was coming. She informed me just one hour before she was to arrive, and I still had another 45 minutes at work. I don’t know how I am supposed to prepare when she doesn’t give me any time.

It’s funny how Amber forgets to mention the part where she forced me to walk around the house while holding the enema. What was the purpose of that?

amber, yes I think holding an enema until I arrive might be a good part of her routine. Apparently the last one wasn’t big enough or long enough.

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