Getting Started is Half the Trouble

In helping wives become Mistresses to properly train their husbands, I have found that getting started is usually the hardest part. Once the training has started, it will continue without a problem–but that initial boost is the issue.

For many of the training sessions with [Mistress M’s husband][Stacee Skye], I have ensured he was dressed and bound before she arrived home to “start” the punishment. It has worked well, but it is not always a practical solution. So here is the situation and how I would start thinking about the punishment. Good learning.

Mistress M is planning a training session this weekend, on Sunday, after going to church. She will be dropping her daughter off at the baby sitters and then sending her mother, who is in town for a visit, off to a double feature.

There are a number of ways this could play out, depending on the timing of the church, the movies and the baby sitter. Here are some of the options (in an approximate order of severity). Of course, there are many tweaks that can be made to these choices, but that exercise is left to the student.

1. After sending her mother to the movies, Mistress M admonishes [her husband][Stacee Skye] to be dressed and ready for training when she returns. (In about a half hour, which should be sufficient time for her to get dressed.)

2. After sending her mother to the movies, Mistress M sends [her husband][Stacee Skye] to the baby sitters. She is waiting when he returns and pulls into the garage. She has him strip, then leaves clothes for him to dress in the cold garage and hope neighbors are not looking through the windows.

3. After sending her mother to the movies, Mistress M has [her husband][Stacee Skye] get ready to go to the baby sitter. He is to put on a corset (black), penis harness, g-string, girdle panties, tights (pantyhose) and bra under his other clothing. Depending on the level of his complaints, wrist and ankle cuffs can be locked on, clothespins can be clamped on the nipples, a remote vibrator can be used, etc.

Once he is dressed, Mistress M can send him to the baby sitter, so she can stay home to prepare, knowing that he will hurry back, or they both can go.

4. The same as number 3, but Mistress M sends [her husband][Stacee Skye] upstairs to change as soon as they return from church. He can then spend the next hour avoiding his Mother-in-Law (until she goes to the movies) lest he be found out.

5. After coming home from church, Mistress M sends [her husband][Stacee Skye] upstairs to change out of his church clothes. Unfortunately for him, she has the full training outfit laid out and he is quickly dressed. She leaves him hogtied, blindfolded, ear plugged and hooded in the bedroom, while she goes to visit with her mother. She returns later, after her mother has gone to the movies and she has taken the baby to the sitter.

6. After sending her mother to the movies, Mistress M sends [her husband][Stacee Skye] upstairs to change into the full training outfit. He is blindfolded, ear plugged and hooded in the bedroom, then leashed and led to the garage, where he is tied into the back end of the car for the trip to the baby sitters. Once they return home, the real training can begin.

7. The same as number 5, but when she comes to release [her husband][Stacee Skye], he is untied long enough to bed led to the garage and re-tied into the back end of the car for the trip to the baby sitters. After a start like this, she should happily submit to any training that is offered.

So those were just the ideas I had–I’m sure you can come up with some tamer and some much more evil than I can. Happy training.

[Stacee Skye]:


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I have just started being trained by my Mistress. She has enlisted two of her close friends to assist her in this. They are sworn to secrecy. The Mistress could send her sissy to her friends house, have her Friend dress up her sissy in a very feminine way and presentable in public and then tell them they have to find there way home. Driving a car home would be embarrasing enough stopping at lights, but if the car was taken away and they had to walk it would be humiliating thinking everyone is watching

i like number three, just a small chance of getting noticed but enough to make you very nevous!!

[…] on 05 Mar 2008 at 12:53 pm | Tagged as: Stacee Skye One of the biggest issues with training is getting started, so for her session today I had her start a couple of nights ago. She had to put on a double thick […]

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