Stacee Skye: Another Beginning

Apparently [Stacee Skye][] didn’t realize that I would be waiting for her when she got home from work. She complained that she wasn’t ready and had to take the lawn mower to the shop. I told her it was fine. She could take it to the shop while wearing a bra and panties without any problem. And the penis harness for good measure. I think she has a clue what is coming since I sent some clothes pins with her “just in case”. I don’t think there is any question that those will be on when she gets back.

**Update at 6:22pm:** After all of [her complaining][1], she sure wasn’t outside very long before wetting herself. I wasn’t planning on keeping her in a wet diaper very long, but I don’t have anything else planned, so I guess it will have to do. I way even eventually let her take her clothespins off, but not too soon. I need to get them toughened up because Mistress M has mentioned some big plans for them.

**Update at 6:45pm:** [Stacee Skye][] seemed so happy when I had her take pictures of herself taking off one item of clothing at a time. She didn’t even complain when I only left her in one high heel for a while and the breast forms bounced wildly as she ran to get in place for the picture: at last the clothespins were coming off. Perhaps that is why she looks so sad kneeling next to me wearing a corset, a diaper and those clothespins. She just has not learned her lesson yet.

**Update at 7:02pm:** When I put some weights on the clothespins and they were pulled off, I wasn’t feeling evil enough to put them back on. (I mean I could have, since she obviously didn’t do a good job putting them on in the first place, but I’ll save more clothespins for later.) So I left them off, but a bra and forms back on, dressed her in her [KDPi][2] t-shirt and sent her back outside. It’s not that bad: she doesn’t have on any bondage gear (yet) and the t-shirt mostly covers the diaper. Besides, it should be dark in 3 hours or so.

[Stacee Skye]:

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