pieclown: Spot the Discontinuity

Let’s see who can spot the discontinuity in the messages I received from pieclown regarding the submittal of her last assignment:

Date | Message
:—- | :——–
Aug 9 | I got to the site, but I think I am unable to get it loaded. I have not done ftp for sometime and I now think I have for got.
Aug 11 | It tried the web site for ftp transfer, but could not figure out my ftp number.
Aug 17 | No luck on my end to find out what my ftp # is too.
Sep 4 | Did you not get the larger files I was able to send to the ftp site?

No, I didn’t. I never checked the FTP site, because you never told me you were abel to figure it out. Why would I have assumed that?

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