pieclown: A New Dress

In this picture from back in December, pieclown shows off her new dress and asks “Does this complete this part of the punishment?”. Since I can’t remember which punishment it was, I guess so.

![pieclown’s new dress](http://cdpunishment.com/institute/images/2008/10/pieclown_071219-002s.jpg)

She sent in two pictures, but in the other one she decided not to wear any forms. (Perhaps she though I would like it anyway?)


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The dress was for

pieclown: Atonement


I knew you would like the one with the forms, but want to send a picture as is to show how it look without the forms. I had hoped that you would see the shaved chest better.

[…] The last part of the atonement can be found at my new dress. […]

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