Hello all, this posting is in response to the assignment [Hard as a Rock](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2009/01/hard_as_a_rock). Not the AC/DC song Big Balls.
Some of you that have read through the Institute know that this is also based on the on idea of [Heavy Knockers](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2007/02/heavy_knockers).
I was required to get some bowling balls and use them instead of balloons. My thought was I would be checking thrift stores and second hand sports equipment. I took a chance and check
[Craig’s List]( http://www.craiglist.com)
I got lucky and found the bowling balls on sale for five dollars each.

Next I tried to use them in my bra. I got them home the first night and tried them in my largest bra. OH RATS! The bowling balls were so big that they could not really fit in the K cup size and they stretched the metal clasp. I had to do something different for the pictures. My other large bra a FF, was my next choice. I would use bra extenders to help it take the larger cup size.
I did a front shot and side shot. The weight was so much I need to hold the balls in place so they did not break the strap or the clasp.

pieclown – I found my balls in a thrift shop for $ 4.99 and a 20% discount because I am old and it was senior citizens day. I am beginning to wish that I had not found any.
sissy billy