Happy Independence Day to All.
Mistress Amber has given me an assignment to help celebrate our freedom. I was to get dressed up nicely, in tight fitting white clothing.
I was then to pop my left breast form to show it was filled with a red liquid, smash a white whipped cream pie in my face, and finally pop my right breast form to show it was filled with blue liquid. Before I did this I needed to be tightly packaged below the waist. This was to remind me that freedom IS NOT FREE.
I packaged myself and put on my body briefer. The second picture shows the rope I used for my package.

The briefer is to small for the water balloon forms so I place on a bra and the balloons filled with matching color.

I next placed on a white t-shirt and white stirrup pants.

I made my white whipped cream pie.

I went to the basement shower for the action.




I had used Kool-Aid for the red, and Power Aid for blue. You see the Kool-Aid won out.
Really good pieclown. Not only is the Red Kool-Aid, Blue Power Aid and White Whipped Cream patriotic for Independence Day, it is also edible. Did you make a drink combining the Kool-Air, Power Aid with whipped cream on top. A good Frou-Frou drink that probably tasted good. It did look like a big cleanup job though.
@sissy billy
Hello sissy billy, I did not make a drink from the stuff I used. I may the next time I have some Power Aid around. Most was used in the balloon. The clean up was par for the course. I did have to step out of the shower to reset the timer on the camera. It returns to normal function ( press button, take picture) after each picture. A large mound of whipped cream fell off on the floor outside the shower. It had to be cleaned up latter. The clothes were not so easy to clean up. Most came out fine after 2 soakings and a washing with bleach. The bra and briefer did remained stained in certain areas.
Thank you for the complements.
-Warning on Soapbox-
Hi All,
A quick comment, in this post the statement “freedom IS NOT FREE” was used and in partial caps. This was to show that I agree very much that our freedom is not a free thing. It was bought and paid for by the blood, sweat, tears, and lives of the men and women of the United States of America. From the time of the American Revolutionary War up to now with the War against Terror, there have been those who give what they could. Some gave money, some gave their labor, some gave of themselves, some gave of their children, and some gave their lives. I am proud that I was able to serve my country. It may have been in peace time, but I gave what I could.
Happy Independence Day