Looking at You

1. Have you ever looked at something so long that you realized what seemed like a good idea at the time, really just grates on your nerves? The theme for the site will be changing after this post.

2. Though I see comments occasionally from a few readers, I would like to get a better sense of who is reading every day, what your background is and what you would like to see more of. If you are reading, please take a moment to make a comment on this post.

3. [Pieclown][] began her treatment yesterday–the second assignment in a row. I’m beginning to think that she likes being forced to wear panties and hose.

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown


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Of course I am still reading Mistress Amber.

Fellow sissies, we need to communicate better. Let Mistress Amber know more about our different thoughts on different subjects. Perhaps this will allow Her to get to know us better and to design more appropriate subjects for us to follow. She does not appear to be happy about our lack of responses. Isn’t our goal to make Her happy? So start writing.

I am still lurking around here Mistress. Although life can’t really get much harder here.

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