Tag Archives: the-perfect-client

My Punishment Has Been Recommended

I found out today from [The Ladies of The Institute][1] that they have recommended that I be punished this weekend–but they haven’t let me know what the punishment will be or why it was recommended in the first place.

Time will tell.

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/

Punishment Time

After The Ladies kept me bound for and hour and a half, they left me know that Mistress will be coming home this evening to punish me. She sent them a note:

> Yes, I think he could use some punishment. I’d just
> like him to be bound, trussed & Packaged. Clothing is
> optional & up to you.

As Big As Beach Balls

At the beginning of March 2001, The Ladies decided they wanted to know that I would look like with breasts as big as beach balls. They were big enough that as times they had a tendency to pull me over forward and at one point I even needed to hold them up.

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What do you think of the results?

Peppermint Patty

When I arrived at home this afternoon, [The Ladies of the Institute][1] met me at the door and told me that I was going to be dressed and offered to Mistress for punishment this evening.

They started by tightly wrapping my package with several strips of cloth and panty hose, before pulling on the thong. The panty hose that went on next are heeld in place by a double layer of rubber corsets that do a good job to improve my figure. To keep the package from moving around, they then put on a panty girdle. And then another one. And a third. To fill out the top, the breasts are help in place by a coupld of large bras–FF cups which get completely filled out. The outer clothing, a pair of jeans and a V-neck shirt, help to hid the ankle and wrist cuffs which are both locked on.


After I completed a couple of tasks, The Ladies granted my request to go to the restroom. It wasn’t an unreasonable request since they hadn’t allowed my a trip when I first arrived. They thought differently, however, and before I got dressed they should it would be good idea to coat my package in chapstick. The peppermint kind. Combined with the clothespins they had put on my nipples (under the water balloons), I was burning all over. (After completing a couple of other tasks, they judged my behavior improved enough to remove them while I typed this entry.)

So here I sit now, still trussed, waiting for her response as to whether I will be punished this evening. If so, it’s likely that I won’t be able to sit comfortably tomorrow–but the waiting is still the worst part. Except maybe the clothespins, which will be replaced as soon as I am finished typing this sentence.


Since my punishment for this evening has been declined, The Ladies would like to know how you think I should be punished next time. No reasonable, and even some unreasonable, punishments will be refused.

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/

Sweater Puppies

Back in September of 2004, The Ladies of the Institute for Crossdressing Punishment we trying to figure out what size breast forms I should be using when they took this picture of me in a sweater.


The picture doesn’t do a good job of showing the discomfort they had me in–underneath the pairs of tight panty girdles, panty hose and corset, my little package was leashed up tight. Though the clothes haven’t changed much, the method used by The Ladies sure have: everything is much stricter and tighter, and the bondage is always on.

Yesterday’s Punishment and Training Regimen

Yesterday’s training went much as expected. I was dressed by The Ladies of The Institute and left so Mistress could put me to work. For doing such a poor job on the bathroom, Mistress bent me over the couch and gave me a severe paddling. The results of which are shown:


Mistress and The Ladies would appreciate comments on how to make my training better in the future.

Punishment Reprieve

The Ladies of the Institute came over and dressed my up for Mistress–but she decided she didn’t need any work done this evening. Of note, they have taken to using clothespegs on my nipples–underneath the breast forms.


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