Author Archives: Maggie-Rae

Maggie Rae: Story Assignment 5—Hired Help

First off, I’d like to apologize to everyone—things have been a bit hectic, and I missed my usual Sunday deadline. I hope the amusement that you get from my suffering makes up for it a bit, and trust me, there was a good bit of suffering. [This week’s story assignment]() actually managed to be less pleasant than [Back and Forth](), which I didn’t even think was possible. Like Back and Forth, I was again going to be transporting pennies, though this time as a restrained maid, and before I would be able to complete a penny I would need to perform oral service on a nearby dildo. Combine that with the same 1,000 pennies from the first time I did Back and Forth (which was never going to happen), and horrible consequences for failure, and you’ve got just the latest in my hellish assignments. First order of business, though, was to get dressed…



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Maggie Rae: Chapter 5, Hired Help

Last week I had a fairly easy time with my ongoing story assignment series—relatively easy, anyway. 24 hours dressed up is nothing compared to what Mistress Katzenburg has in store for me this week. This story assignment sounds absolutely terrible, and I’m not looking forward to completing it, though I’m sure you all will be plenty amused with it. It will start tonight, finish up tomorrow, and as usual, the results will be posted for your enjoyment on Sunday. So what is it that could possibly be so bad? See for yourself…

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Maggie Rae: Story Assignment 4—Another 24 Hours

It could have been worse. It really could have. [This week’s story chapter]() was a little bit of a lull in the action (thankfully), and while this week’s assignment was no where near the [tortures I endured last week](), it was still less than pleasant. 24 hours I would need to spend in the same dress that I was in last week—24 hours gagged, in a super-stuffed diaper and heels with my largest breastforms in. It may not seem like it, but 24 hours can be a long time, especially when you’re gagged for it. Still, Mistress Katzenburg was gracious enough to allow me to avoid being locked in a closet for the full duration like my story counterpart was, so again, it could always be worse.

I was up at 6:00 AM yesterday, dressed and ready for my assignment, and 24 hours later I’m tired, I’m wet, I’m in desperate need of a shower, and I’m ready for this week’s assignment to be over. I’m just crossing my fingers that I can get off this easy for next week’s assignment as well. I can always hope, can’t I?


Maggie Rae: Chapter 4, The Reason for the Season

After [last week’s]( grueling assignment, my prayers have been answered and it seems like this week will be a bit of a lull. While I can’t say that the assignment that I’ll be facing this week is all that pleasant, it does seem a lot easier than last week. While this week’s story does include some ominous lines, for the time being it seems like the worst is over. Remember to check back this Sunday to see the write up from this week’s assignment, [follow]( [us]( on [twitter](, and consider applying to [join The Institute yourself](

Now, without further ado, this week’s chapter…

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Maggie Rae: Story Assignment 3—Back and Forth

Let me tell you about the worst night I’ve had in a while, and bear with me because I haven’t had nearly as much sleep as I should have. [This week’s story assignment]( looked bad on its face, many of them do, but it’s not until you’re well into it before you realize exactly how terrible it is. The principle sounds simple enough—my assignment was to transfer pennies one at a time from a cup in one room in the house to a cup in another, with increasingly unpleasant additions as I went. Now, my place isn’t that big, and even spread out as far as possible, there were only about 15 steps between cups—not awful you say, that’s 30 steps per penny. Well, allow me to show you how wrong you would be…


Like most assignments, however, I started by laying out everything I would need beforehand… Ominous, isn’t it?


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Maggie Rae: Chapter 3, Back and Forth

We’re in to week three of my story assignment series, and Mistress Katzenburg has come up with a doozy this week. I’m not looking forward to the assignment coming up in the next couple days, which is pretty clearly spelled out in the story. Be sure to check back this Sunday to check out my fresh misery, and next week where things can only really get worse—I’m sure you can’t wait. For now, however, you’ll just have to make due this this week’s chapter…

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Maggie Rae: Story Assignment 2—Fire Down Below

Tonight’s assignment marks the end of the second week of my assignment story series—my ongoing training based off Mistress Katzenburg’s ongoing story. This week, Sean finds himself in a [precarious (and painful) position]( While the assignment wasn’t terribly difficult or (thankfully) humiliating this week, it was both time consuming and very, very painful. My assignment took place in two parts—first, I was to shave from the neck down, which just takes forever when you’re as hairy as I am, and second I was to masturbate with Icy Hot—bringing myself to the edge multiple times, but never cumming. While it was an extremely painful assignment, it did at least distance itself from last week’s humiliation.

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Maggie Rae: Chapter 2, A Precarious, Precious Position

Today marks the second week of the [new story series](, here for your reading pleasure. Don’t forget to check back with us on Sunday for the assignment based off of this chapter, as well as next Wednesday for the next chapter in the story. What will happen next? I have no idea, and I’m really not looking forward to finding out—this week’s chapter sounds unpleasant (read: painful) enough. For more from The Institute, be sure to follow [@cdpunishment]( (still not sure what that’s going to end up being) on Twitter.

Also, if you think you’ve got what it takes to be a client, consider trying to [Join The Institute]( for yourself. If you do end up going that route—remember: spelling, grammar, and punctuation are important… No one like an illiterate sissy.

Now without further delay, this week’s chapter…

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Maggie Rae: Story Assignment 1—A Reckoning

As [previously mentioned](, tonight marks the beginning of my story assignment series—every week Mistress Katzenburg will be adding a new chapter to the overall story and I will be assigned a special assignment based on the week’s chapter. This being the introduction week, I got off relatively unscathed, but it was still an extremely unpleasant (and painful) experience. I know that as the story continues, my assignments will only get more and more humiliating—good for all of you, not so good for me. I don’t even want to think of where I’ll be in a month’s time…

Enough about worrying about the future though—here are the results of this week’s assignment.



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Maggie Rae: So It Begins…

I am beginning a new saga here at The Institute—starting a new year of training and assignments, punishments and torments I don’t even want to think about. My new training will take place in the form of a serial story, written by Mistress Katzenburg. Each week, a new chapter will be added to the story, and with it a new, humiliating assignment for me to perform for the pleasure of all of you. Typically, the new chapter of the story will be posted during the middle of the week—often Wednesday, but Tuesday and Thursday postings will not be uncommon either. Once you’ve seen the story, check back on Sunday night to see me put through another humiliating ordeal as I complete the week’s assignment. How long will my new training last? It’s hard to say, but it doesn’t look like it will be ending anytime soon…

Now, without any further delay, our story begins…

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Maggie Rae: Violent Femmes

Nearly a week ago, we active clients here at the Institute received a warning that a new assignment was coming down the tubes, and that it would be based on the timeless music of the Violent Femmes. While we were all asked what our two favorite Violent Femmes songs were, Mistress Katzenburg’s two favorites were ‘36-24-36’ and ‘Dance, M.F., Dance’. From that alone, I knew that nothing good could come of this assignment, but yesterday I found out just how bad it would be.

Since none of us had 24” waists, we were first to figure what our bust and hip sizes would need to be to maintain the same proportions. It turned out that I would need a 63” bust and hips, which meant a bra with my biggest forms and a super-stuffed diaper (since it seemed like it wouldn’t take too long, I omitted the diaper and just super-stuffed my plastic panties—bad choice). After I was dressed I had to make a video for Mistress Katzenburg following the directions of her second favorite song, ‘Dance, M.F., Dance’—you can imagine just about how well that went, in a bra stuffed as full as mine was. If she decides to post the video, then you’ll get to see it as well.

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Maggie Rae: Life Imitates Art

About a week ago, I had a spare afternoon where all my work was done and I had no other real outstanding obligations. To pass the time, I decided to work on my art (I’m not really an artist, but I like to mess around with it none the less). One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I’d finished my first picture in a long time. Wanting to share it, I posted it to Twitter, where it caught the eye of Mistress Katzenburg. Having no outstanding assignment at the time, she decided that my next assignment would be to duplicate the picture that I had drawn. Given how unpleasant the subject matter I’d drawn was, my heart sunk a little, but I pledged to finish my new assignment as quickly as possible…

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Maggie Rae: Full of Shit

A long, long time ago I was given an assignment in response to some unnecessarily mean things that I’d said. At this point, I honestly can’t remember what they were, but they more than warranted a response from Mistress Katzenburg. That assignment was the originally named, Full of Shit. I was to find a recipe that would leave me looking like I’d been covered in shit, post the recipe, then make up a large batch, dress up like a baby, and cover myself in it for the enjoyment of all of you. That assignment unfortunately never happened—life gets in the way, things get put off until later, and before you know it, it’s been five months. I should have known better than to put it off, and I’m sure I’ll pay for it in the long run, but better late than never.

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Maggie Rae: The Good, The Bad, and the Pink

It has been a while since I have posted an update for The Institute, for a number of reasons—some good, some quite bad. When it comes down to it, I have broken one of the most important rules of The Institute: When a client will be out of town or unavailable for an extended period of time, they must notify the Mistresses of The Institute ahead of time. I did not do that, and I have been away for an extended period of time, during which I shirked my Institute duties. That was the bad part. The delightfully good part is that, over the past few months I have been developing a closer and closer relationship with a good friend of mine, which has rapidly become something far more special. While I was away from the Institute, I was instead with my new Mommy Venus (who is extremely eager to step up the intensity of my already humiliating and painful Institute activities) who made sure that my time away was not spent pleasantly…



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Maggie Rae and the White Slime: Cleaning Up After sissy billy

Some time ago, well before I fully completed my return to The Institute in fact, [sissy billy was given a very easy assignment]( That very easy assignment never got completed, faded into the background, and disappeared for a good long while. Nothing ever permanently disappears at The Institute, however, and even sissy billy made the prediction that it would return. “I am sure, however, that it will surface again…” he said, and so very right he was. It was in my lap, however, that this assignment was dropped this time around, and if last time this assignment was just to find a recipe, then I’d say it came back much larger than before. This time, I not only had to find recipes, but had to test them on myself as well. Thanks, sissy billy.

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