Tag Archives: sissy-billy

sissy billy’s Soap Test – Caress

It is Monday morning again and another week of the Soap Test is under way again for which I am the designated Tester.

Caress (Velvet Bliss) is the Soap to be tested all this week with a punishment again today for my ill-advised whining.

I arose early again for the Morning Test and Punishment, but remembering how terrible it was last week I did not want to get out of bed. I put on a very feminine lavender peignoir so that I could look my prettiest for the documentation.


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sissy billy’s Soap Test – Dove

It is Monday morning and per the procedures established by the Soap Test committee, I will begin four weeks of Soap Testing.

Dove is the Soap to be tested all this week with a punishment added today for my ill-advised whining.

I arose early because the Morning Test and Punishment is bound to take extra time this week as I get started. Another requirement is that for testing purposes on Monday that I dress feminine and look my prettiest for the documentation. For this morning I picked a pink waltz length nightgown fringed in pink chiffon.

I present myself looking pretty and holding the soap of the week – Dove


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In a Row – Results

Before getting to the end results a math lesson. There were two options presented for counting time spent in the maid outfit. There was a right answer to the question and unfortunately half of the clients missed it and the other half didn’t know why they had chosen it.

**Option 1:** For each die, divide by two, rounding up to the next integer. Multiply the two numbers together, giving you a number between 1 and 9 hours

| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| —– | – | – | – | – | – | – |
| **1** | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
| **2** | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
| **3** | 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 |
| **4** | 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 |
| **5** | 3 | 3 | 6 | 6 | 9 | 9 |
| **6** | 3 | 3 | 6 | 6 | 9 | 9 |

**Option 2:** Add sum of both dice plus two, divide by two, rounding up to the next integer giving you a number between 2 and 7 hours.

| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| —– | – | – | – | – | – | – |
| **1** | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 |
| **2** | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 |
| **3** | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 6 |
| **4** | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 |
| **5** | 4 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 7 |
| **6** | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 7 |

Once you have the entire table, since each cell is equally likely a simple average of all the values in the table will tell you which table has the lower expected time in the maid uniform. Option 1 averages out to 4.0 hours while Option 2 has an average of 4.75 hours. Though it has the opportunity to be longer, option 1 is definitely the way to go.

– ~ — • — ~ –

The totals on the activities was fairly easy to determine:

| Activity | Value | sissy billy | Maggie Rae | Stacee Skye | Pieclown |
| :—————————————-: | :—: | :———: | :——–: | :——-: | :——: |
| Scrubbing the Floor | 1 | – | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| Cleaning the Toilet | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| Sweeping | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| Picking Up the Yard | 6 | – | – | – | 6 |
| Servicing the Man/Lady of the House | 4 | – | – | – | – |
| Cleaning Windows | 2 | – | 2 | 2 | – |
| Shopping at the Market | 10 | – | – | – | – |
| Serving Drinks | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | – |
| Caned/paddled by the Man/Lady of the House | 4 | – | 4 | – | – |
| Drawing a Bath | 1 | 1 | – | 1 | 1 |
| Taking the Trash Outside | 6 | – | – | 6 | 6 |
| Tied up by the Man/Lady of the House | 2 | – | – | – | – |
| Punished with a Mouth-soaping (Required) | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| Taking a Smoking Break Outside | 2 | – | – | 2 | 2 |
| **Totals** | **41**| **5** | **11** | **16** | **19** |

The only thing left to check is that the assignment was done properly and all rules were followed in the posting. Fortunately, for three out of the four clients completing the activity, this was not a problem.

Unfortunately, for [Pieclown][], the results were not as good. For the reporting of her assignment, she missed the [rule][r-r] that “All size e and t pictures must be linked directly to a size s picture (so it will expand when clicked)”. Hers do not. This, though, is forgivable. Failure to do the assignment in the proper order is not. The [initial assignment][ass] stated “Once you are dressed and have your plus ups decided, it will be determined how long your assignment will be”. Determining how much time you had and then deciding on the plus ups, as her post indicates that she did, is clearly not allowed. (On the off chance that the assignment was done in the proper order, the the assignment falls afoul of the rule “An objective is not considered completed until the results have been reported in all required manners.” If you cannot properly explain what you did, it wasn’t done properly.) Though I could use these reasons in order to fail pieclown, I am instead marking this assignment complete, though with her points total reduced to zero.

– ~ — • — ~ –

The final results of the assignment, in order of place are:

* [Stacee Skye][ss-p] (16 points)
* [Maggie Rae][mr-p] (11 points)
* [sissy billy][sb-p] (5 points)
* [Pieclown][pc-p] (0 points)

Stacee Skye’s surprise for having the highest point total will be announced at a late date.

[r-r]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/about/rules_and_regulations
[ass]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2011/03/in_a_row
[sb-p]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2011/04/in_a_row_-_sissy_billys_results
[pc-p]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2011/04/in_a_row_-_pieclowns_results
[ss-p]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2011/04/in_a_row_-_stacee_skyes_results
[mr-p]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2011/04/in_a_row_-_maggie_raes_results

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown

sissy billy’s Soap Test

There has been quite a bit of discussion lately among the Mistresses and the Sissies about the best Soap to use for Mouth Washing and Body Washing. Soap is such a wonderful commodity and useful in many ways. Typically we use it to clean our body, but as has been evident lately it is also very useful in the punishment of sissies that also require internal cleaning of their mouths.

Mistress Katzenburg and Mistress Rosemarie have had several private and public conversations in the past few days and have determined that a research project should be conducted to settle the matter of which brand of soap is the best for cleaning of the body and mouth-washing. Since I have seemed to have the most to say about soap I have been nominated by Mistress Rosemarie and elected by Mistress Katzenburg to conduct this survey and test. After results are posted Mistress Katzenburg may determine which soap may be designated as “The Institute for Cross-Dressing Punishment” official soap.

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In a Row – sissy billy’s Results

It has been Mistress Katzenburg’s desire to have of her sissy maids all in a row performing household duties for her. This is the weekend for all of us to demonstrate our talents and win the honor of being her best Maid.

The normal accessories were ordered as part of her standard maid outfit. A bra with the largest forms one has and they better impress her. A super stuffed diaper always is a nice accessory and a collar. This week’s sissy maid dress however was to be handmade to demonstrate the talents of each sissy. A black garbage bag was to be found, a belt and white towel as a simple apron and instead of Cuffs, this week we put on 10 lb weights for the ankles and 2.5 lb weights for the wists. Just a little difficulty added to our workload.

All we had to do now was dress up and report for duty.


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In a Row

All current clients are hereby given this assignment (since I’ve always wanted to have pretty maids all in a row). You will dress as a maid, given the following requirements:

* A bra and your largest forms.
* A super stuffed diaper. (One of these [spreaders](http://adult-baby-shop.eu/product_info.php?products_id=783) would be awesome, but outside the budget for most.) But that is the intended look which will enforce a full time waddle.
* A black garbage bag fashioned into a maid’s dress (with a belt and white towel for an apron). For more information on making one, see [this Dilbert cartoon](http://www.dilbert.com/fast/1995-04-30/).
* A collar.
* [10 lb weights](http://www.walmart.com/ip/Gold-s-Gym-20LB-Ankle-Weights/12177363) around each ankle **-or-** metal bottle caps (top side down) taped to the bottom of your heels.
* [2.5 lb weights](http://www.walmart.com/ip/Gold-s-Gym-5LB-Ankle-Weights/12177366) around each wrist **-or-** clothes pegs on your nipples and a tall posture collar instead of a decorative collar.

There is an opportunity to lessen the amount of time of your assignment. For each of the following that you do (in conjunction with the assignment), the assignment time will be lessened by the Value number of hours. (For instance, if you are shaved from the neck down, your assignment will be 1.5 hours shorter.)

| Plus Up | Value |
| —————————— | —— |
| Bottle Caps *and* Weights | 1 |
| Painted Nails and Toes | .5 |
| Freshly shaved/waxed torso | .5 |
| Freshly shaved/waxed bikini | .5 |
| Freshly shaved/waxed legs | .5 |
| Retained Enema before Starting | 2 |
| Gagged for the Duration | 2 |

Once you are dressed and have your plus ups decided, it will be determined how long your assignment will be. There are two different methods for calculating this. When replying to accept the assignment, announce which method you will be using.

1. For each die, divide by two, rounding up to the next integer. Multiply the two numbers together, giving you a number between 1 and 9 hours
2. Add sum of both dice plus two, divide by two, rounding up to the next integer giving you a number between 2 and 7 hours.

After determining the value of your rolls, subtract out the value of your plus ups to determine the length of your assignment. If the length is 0 or .5, round it up to one hour. If your assignment length is negative, roll again and recalculate _without_ considering your plus up values this time.

Now that you are dressed and know the length of your assignment, you will have some time to perform maid-ly activities. This list shows all of the maid-ly activities that will be considered for points. It is **highly recommended** that you try to get as many points as possible. The client with the highest total will get a surprise. Clients without enough points may find themselves repeating this assignment.

| Activity | Value |
| —————————————— | —– |
| Scrubbing the Floor | 1 |
| Cleaning the Toilet | 1 |
| Sweeping | 1 |
| Picking Up the Yard | 6 |
| Servicing the Man/Lady of the House | 4 |
| Cleaning Windows | 2 |
| Shopping at the Market | 10 |
| Serving Drinks | 1 |
| Caned/paddled by the Man/Lady of the House | 4 |
| Drawing a Bath | 1 |
| Taking the Trash Outside | 6 |
| Tied up by the Man/Lady of the House | 2 |
| Punished with a Mouth-soaping (Required) | 1 |
| Taking a Smoking Break Outside | 2 |

Good luck to everyone. This assignment is due Sunday, April 3rd. If your post (and Dropbox files) are not in place when I check on Monday, your assignment will be late.

The Intoxication of Pink Camay Soap

When posting a comment under Joining the Institute, sweetsuds spoke highly of the Pink Camay soap:

> Now that I’ve found where I think I belong, may I please explain that it must have been the scent of the Camay soap the Mistresses here use to torment and clean poor sissy billy’s mouth. That and the frequent enemas must make him the cleanest sissy ever, and I envy him. Let me say I am not fond of either having my mouth washed out with pink Camay soap (certainly not as often as sissy billy appears to) or of having my bottom regularly douched with soapy enemas. But the smell and pink color and the rich lather of Camay are so feminine and seductive, I am lured here as if the Lorelei themselves had drawn into this sissy world of pink soap. I think it is the ultimate humiliation for sissy billy to have Mistresses taking pictures of the poor sissy lugging his own full enema bag around while wearing only a sheer pink nightie. And all the diapering he endures…oh the indignities. The poor fellow. If he ever wants a break, may I beg to take his place.

> I feel like I have found home here. That Camay scent is intoxicating and makes me do weird things and have sissylike desires to have my mouth and bottom both soaped at the same time while all the Mistresses watch and enjoy.

The first hint of her being in over her head was the next comment she posted:

> I have registered here and have my username and password. What else must I do to “complete the application and inititation process?

It would be apparent what the process is if she had read the text at the top of the page. [sissy billy][] even helped her out some:

> There is an application and some preliminary assignments to do. If they are not there, then Mistress Katzenburg will get back to you as time permits for her. A sissy is never to bother her. Trust me, it is never a good idea. I won’t tell you what the training is like because I would like you to join us sissies and do not want to scare you away. We all do survive and endure the training and punishments though and we do them together. You should know that Mistress Katzenburg is very strict and you must be dedicated to being a sissy and being punished.

This warning however didn’t stop her from publishing even more:

> I confess since finding the Institute the other day, it is fast becoming part of my daily ritual. I hope I can handle the requirements. I am also a cross-dressing sissy for many years, but have no Mistress currently to guide me on this path.

> The one thing that drew me to this place was the mentoion here (fairly often, it appears) of the practice of washing out a sissy’s mouth with soap, even specifically pink Camay soap. In my other repies I have already exposed my own fascination with both pink Camay and the equally rare practice of using it to punish sissy’s dirty or back-talking mouths and whiney attitudes. You and I are in a rare segment of the sissy world, I suspect, who have actually had our mouths washed out with pink Camay, so we understand each other’s plight in that regard. Although at the times of our mouth soaping punishments it seems indeed unfortunate to be undergoing such dreadful oral cleansings, we both know that we are most fortunate to have cleaner mouths and sweeter attitudes for having received such punishments.

> Yes, I am patient and will quietly await any opportunities/requirements concerning deeper involvement and participation here at the Institute for Cross-Dressing Punishments. I will now observe my own advice in keeping my mouth closed more often to avoid the chance a lathery bar of pink Camay may be headed for that opening.

So I sent her the initial email. I even spell out the most likely scenario: “There have been a great number of sissies who think that they crave the humiliation we have to offer, only to give up at the first simple task and relegate themselves to the [Sissy Hall of Shame][1]. The goal of The Institute is simple: Cross-Dressing Punishment and Humiliation for All. Too many people request the training and humiliation that we provide, but have no intention of following through.” And the result was all too predictable:

> I apologize for wasting your time. This is not what I had expected or actually want. I have but limited time or resources to be able to participate as fully as either of us might wish. I will follow The Institute as an outsider and keep my thoughts to myself. Just me and my pink Camay soap.

At least she was right about one thing when she said the “Camay scent is intoxicating and makes me do weird things”.

[1]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/membership/sissy_hall_of_shame

sissy billy: Happy Year 2011 – Again

Well, here I am again celebrating Happy New Year 2011 – Again.

I have been a sissy client for quite some time now and I should know better, but I was lazy and lax and have not read the Rules and Regulations lately. Big Mistake. I know that I am supposed to upload all untouched photos for Mistress Katzenburg to review and pass judgement. I accomplished the hardest part of the activity – celebrating Happy New Year 2011 and failed to do the simplest of requirements and upload the photos.

I will now pay the price for forgetfulness and lack of focus of accomplishing all my tasks. And – the second time for any assignment is always more difficult. Depending on the mood of the Mistress and how bad a sissy is it can be really really bad. I guess a repeat of the assignment and one added assignment means I was really not that naughty, but I still have not been told what the “Whine and Cheese” means. I will find out.

Happy New Year 2011 to all again.

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Happy New Year [Graded]

Now at the end of the week, the [Happy New Year](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2011/01/happy_new_year) assignment is being graded:

* [sissy billy][] did a good job [posting her work](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2011/01/happy_new_year-2) on the site, but failed to upload the required original pictures as required. The assignment is FAILED.
* slut_tricia failed to make any effort or contact. Her assignment is FAILED.
* [Pieclown][] [posted the assignment](http://institute.cdpunishment.com/2011/01/pieclown_happy_new_year) and uploaded pictures. She has PASSED.

For her failure, [sissy billy][] will repeat this same assignment, but a bra and forms will be included under her dress and she will be locked into cuffs and a collar. Additionally, since I expect her to complaint, before her nap time, Mistress Rosemarie will lead her through the “Whine and Cheese” activity which I have told her about.

slut_tricia will be severely reprimanded once contact is reestablished.

[sissy billy]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/sissy-billy/
[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown

sissy billy: Happy New Year

Over the years it seems that I have had a difficult time in progressing from my baby years to even an adolescent sissy. Mistress Katzenburg has deemed that I should start out the New Year as a brand new baby.

To start the year I am to put on my largest overstuffed diaper, put on my prettiest baby dress to celebrate my 0’th birthday, waddle and crawl around the house and then I will be put down for my baby’s nap. But, because I have been bad recently, when I take my nap I will have a special baby pacifier. The pacifier will be the biggest dildoe that Mistress Rosemarie has bought for me.

Happy New Year to all

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of the sissies out there. May this year be better than the last. To help us ring in the year, there are some new years assignments for all of the clients out there.

* [sissy billy][] will be dressing up as Baby New Year. Unfortunately the baby has been bad and had to be bound into her giant diaper before being dressed for her 0th birthday party. She has a big day waddling around before being put down for her nap and given her pacifier to suck on. (Baby New Year doesn’t realize her pacifier is really a rubber dildo—she just knows sucking on it gives her sweet dreams.

* slut_tricia will be dressing up as a single New Years Eve party girl. Who stays out and parties until she finds a way to get herself in trouble—tied up and “open for business”. Will she have any takers for the services she can offer?

* [Pieclown][] will be dressing up as the hung-over housewife, alone and in bed late into New Years Day.

_All assignments are due to be posted NLT Sunday evening._

[sissy billy]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/sissy-billy/
[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown

How I spent my summer vacation – Episode 4

It has been quite a while since I have related another of my summer experiences with Mistress Rosemarie. I was supposed to do this on a regular basis, but forgot and to be honest put it off since my summer vacation was mostly humiliating with many embarrassing activities, trips and things with her. Well the year is almost over and as all things do it has caught up with me big time. This past summer often found me in hot water, but none more so then when I tend to embarrass Mistress Rosemarie in front of one of her friends.

The specific day was a nice warm day in August and we were suppose to go to the beach with one of her friends from work. This was always fun and mostly stress free for me since Mistress Rosemarie was seldom inclined to embarrass me in public by having me do girlish things. It was Saturday and when we went to pick up her girlfriend she explained that she had her period, did not feel good and really did not want to go to a sandy beach. I had been looking forward to this and I lost it. I cried and before I thought, I said I didn’t care if she had her period, she could stay home and we should go without her. No sooner were the words out of my mouth and the look on Mistress Rosemarie’s face told me I had crossed the line. I knew it was insensitive and I knew I would regret it.

Mistress Rosemarie left the room with her friend and when they came back smiling they told me it was about time that I had my first feminine period. I blushed a deep red, but knew better then to say a word. Well out came the feminine sanitary products and their fun began and my misery started. Her friend seemed to feel better that she had a girlie sissy to commiserate with. I was very much embarrassed by this day that I had hoped never to have to relay it for all to hear.

I somehow never learn my lessons though. Last week I made the same awful insensitive mistake again with another one of her friends because it interfered with us going out to a party. She was totally livid and then she remembered my unlearned lesson from this past summer.

Well, this has now become – How I spent my summer vacation – 4 and also how I spent my Christmas vacation – 1.

This past Tuesday Night I came home to find Mistress Rosemarie with both of her girlfriends that I had embarrassed by being insensitive about their periods. They reminded me about how I had said to all of them that I did not see what the big deal was about a little stomach ache and having to wear a rag between there legs. Well, Mistress Rosemarie then smiled and said that it was about time that I realized what a big deal it was.

I was led into the bathroom and spread out on the counter was my impending lesson.


I was to have my first feminine period and I would certainly learn what the big deal was after 24 hours. I groaned, but there was no way out of this now.

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How I spent my summer vacation – Episode 3

It was a really nice Sunday in July and I had been told to dress nicely for Church. To clarify, Mistress Rosemarie and I always attended Church on Sundays, but while it was a threat to keep me behaving as a good sissy, we would sit in living room, me in a straight back chair, and watch the church service on the television. Sunday dress was either a nice skirt and blouse or sometimes a dress, stockings, high heels properly applied makeup and perfumed. I am always directed to dress and look lovely for Sunday.

My mistake this particular Sunday was to over react to a simple request from Mistress Rosemarie. She thought a nice picnic on such a nice summer day would be lovely. I got hysterical thinking that we would be going to the town park with me dressed in my feminine Sunday finery for all to see. I started to whine and refuse to even listen to her explanation of our picnic plans. I am so afraid of exposure to others that I would not listen. I carried on for 5 minutes until Mistress Rosemarie lost her temper, started yelling at me and I finally shut-up. When I was quiet for a minute or two, she just smiled and said OK, that we would have our picnic indoors, but that I had passed up a very pleasant afternoon. She later explained that she had found a very secluded place and it would have been very private.

I went and fixed myself and my makeup from my hysterics and stood in the kitchen where we would be having our picnic.


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Application for the position of Reference Librarian

During the course of my training and punishment for Cross-Dressing as a sissy client of “The Institute for Cross-Dressing Punishment” a system of demerits was devised by Mistress Katzenburg to grade my failures and try to instill additional incentives to succeed for this sissy. Many demerits were added privately from Mistress Katzenburg to me and some publicly. I have many demerits and I had no idea how I would be able to get rid of them. I knew I would eventually be somehow punished for each and every demerit for each and every failure.

I wish to thank Mistress Katzenburg for presenting several possibilities for this sissy to make up for her failures. As a sissy will usually do, I chose the most innocent appearing of the challenges afforded me.

I chose to submit my application for the position of a Reference Librarian. Only time will tell whether I chose wisely or not. I drafted an initial application with the following thoughts.

Every Librarian I have known has been prim and proper. I put on my white bra, slightly stuffed (Most Librarians have small boobs), white panties, pantyhose, a white slip, white low heel shoes, and a librarian’s dress. I also put a bow/ribbon in my hair. As I stood in front of my mirror I looked at myself in the mirror.


As I looked in the mirror Mistress Rosemarie walked in and asked if that was what I really thought a Reference Librarian for “The Institute for Cross-Dressing Punishment” would look like as the “Institutes” Reference Librarian.

I knew that if I submitted this picture with my application that Mistress Katzenburg would quickly put my application into the rejection box. Back to my closet of sissy accessories I went.

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How I spent my summer vacation – Episode 2

It was a normal Summer Saturday and Mistress Rosemarie had laid out my sissy maid outfit that I was to wear for cleaning the house this week. I am sure that every sissy is made to clean her Mistress’s House and that was normal.

Let me rephrase that. Dressing as a sissy maid for Mistress Rosemarie and other Mistresses of “The Institute for Cross-Dressing Punishment” is never normal. The Mistresses always seem to have a way of making every simple cleaning day an adventure in reminding me of what it means to be a sissy maid. There always seems to be corsets, cuffs, sissy clitty cages, diapers or something terrible and uncomfortable to hinder my cleaning routine. At least today I was given my 2″ heels instead of the 5″ heels (when I am really being punished) to wear.

Well I dressed as instructed and presented myself to Mistress Rosemarie for the “sissy-do” list of cleaning chores that she would require me to do.


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