Tag Archives: sissy-billy

Junior Summer – 1 – Is Summer Great or Maybe Not

Bill had just finished his third year of College, was in a real partying fraternity and had been dating a drop dead gorgeous girl (Marilyn) for two years and who had just graduated. She had been in a Sorority that socialized often with his fraternity. He knew everyone in her Sorority including Marilyn’s cousin (Rosemarie) who was in his classes and who had become his best friend besides Marilyn. The three of them had become inseparable during the past two years.

Good Times and things were going to get better. Bill was going to go home with Marilyn and stay at her house for the Summer. Marilyn’s Mother owned a large Women’s Clothing Fabrication Company and was wealthy. He would work there, make good money, continue dating Marilyn and live high on the hog in a gorgeous house.

Nothing could possibly go wrong unless he screwed it up with Marilyn. Well Guess What? Bill screwed it up big time. Bill had a fetish all of his life which he had carefully kept a deep dark secret. He liked to dress up in Ladies frilly feminine negligees. He had always been discrete and very careful and certainly intended on continuing this way. Marilyn’s Mother, being wealthy, had the prettiest and most expensive Peignoir Sets that he had ever seen. He couldn’t wait for the opportunity to try them on and it quickly presented itself.

Patricia, Marilyn’s Mom, traveled often as the head of the company which left Bill alone with Marilyn. How perfect was that? Marilyn and he could do what they wanted. There love life was fantastic. Marilyn, now that she had graduated, was going to work for her mom and would start in the Accounting division so as to learn from the bottom up. Bill was also assigned to that division which was perfect and he liked being close to Marilyn. Rosemarie was also working in this division as she would also the following year go to work for her Aunt.

Marilyn was working hard to learn everything she could and would often work late while Bill would go home to the estate, swim in the pool and sit at the bar at the pool drinking and waiting for Marilyn. Marilyn had told him she would be late and the opportunity presented itself. He went directly to Patricia’s room when he got home, took off his clothes and started trying on her prettiest Peignoir Sets. He lay on her bed and jerked off into the panties that were part of the set. He was in Heaven Until….


A camera clicking startled him out of his fantasies and he noticed Marilyn snapping picture after picture. He jumped up, snapped the camera from her and ran back to his bedroom. He was naturally trembling, but felt relieved that at least he had the pictures and somehow would talk his way out of this. Marilyn walked by his now locked door and yelled, “I will be waiting in the Den for you”.

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The Play – Kaya’s First Time – A Re-Write

The Play – Kaya’s First Time – is being discontinued.

At least for the time being and only as long as I can stay out of trouble. (I have been assured by Mistress Amber and Mistress Rosemarie that it can reopen on short notice)

In the past two weeks I have managed to get myself into several predicaments. I have made a wish that I had to make because of a lack of self control. I accepted the consequences for this wish and then asked for and was granted a change of the options which I now ask to change once again. I have also been rude and have failed to behave as a proper sissy should, both in posting comments and in emails to Mistress Amber.

I certainly need help in my training and constant supervision in my attempts to fulfill my assignments and accomplish my punishments. Heaven knows that I cause Mistress Amber a lot of effort in my training and I try to be appreciative of her efforts. I thank her for not giving up on me.

Mistress Rosemarie has just returned from a needed vacation with her girlfriends away from me. She provides a lot of supervision, control and acts as my conscious in support of Mistress Amber’s attempts in my training. I was told to stay out of trouble and obey Mistress Amber, but it is obvious by my actions of the last two weeks that I did not. She reprimanded me severely and left me to worry as she went to her computer to see how naughty I had been. I am sure she also traded some emails with Mistress Amber. Not Good and I expected the worse.

I was surprised at how calm she was when she came to my room to talk to me. Mistress Rosemarie then told me after some communication, that she was very surprised at how forgiving Mistress Amber was, that I was lucky that Mistress Amber must have other more pressing and important issues then my disobedience and if I was smart, which she said she didn’t think I was, that I better stay in my room and figure out how I could please Mistress Amber. Mistress Rosemarie said that she had some ideas, but that I better think of some myself and then she would help me formulate a plan to please Mistress Amber. I really do not deserve Mistresses so understanding. I had until dinner to come up with a plan.

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I have been given an assignment by Mistress Amber to discuss Chastity. This is a new condition for me in the past few months and I am learning to understand and deal with. I have not found it easy or pleasant, but I shall relate my experiences to-date. I would be interested in how others have dealt with it and what they feel about Chastity.

To better understand a topic, go back to its origins and history. The concept of Chastity and in particular the use of Chastity belts go back about five centuries. The reason for Chastity as a practice was to temperate sexual behavior of legitimately married spouses or sexual continence of the unmarried child. Since men in the dark ages held the absolute power (except for maybe a Queen – imagine having a Queen as a Mistress. Punishments were severe in those days), this was directed almost solely at women and girl children. I am sure it was reversed at times, though there is little mention of this. An early chastity belt did not look pleasant and if your Master went off to a pilgrimage it could be months.

A Chastity belt was a lockable device fitted over the vagina of a female to ensure fidelity of a wife or guard the chastity of a daughter.

In today’s world a Chastity belt is considered a sex toy. I guess it depends on ones perspective or situation. If you are the Mistress or the Master, it can be fun to have the power of complete dominance and control. If you are the subservient, you may not agree.

This is a sample of today’s chastity belt for a female slave. Girls, does this look like fun or not.

I certainly would not like to be female and be placed in Chastity by my Master. This can not be pleasant to have a plug in her rectum and a plug in her vagina. It must be uncomfortable to walk or move around, but on the other perhaps the vaginal plug may produce an orgasm or two in moving around. Any of you female slaves might be able to give a better opinion on this. While these may be called sex toys in today’s world, they really are a means of dominance and control for an obedient subservient sissy or slave. The sole purpose of a chastity as in old times is to temperate sexual behaviour and to maintain the sexual continence of a Master or Mistress’s subservient sissy or slave.

For you male sissies, the purpose is no different or less terrifying or less controlling. This is a picture of the sissy clitty cage Mistress Rosemarie purchased for my training and obedience.

I had started my application for training as a client in “The Institute for Cross-Dressing Punishment” when on my doorstep was a package ordered by Mistress Rosemarie and strongly suggested by Mistress Amber for my training enforcement. I had heard about a chastity restraint, but had never seen one. It looked terrifying to me. That night I was instructed to model it, take pictures and send to Mistress Amber for approval. I did not know how to use it and it hurt in putting it on. It was confining and pinched everything that was my sissy clitty. Mistress Rosemarie made me wear it the first night. I was afraid even to pee.

The fact that I was to wear this contraption as a training device that took control of my sissy clitty totally away from me was humiliating. I have read back through my responses to Mistress Amber and I am embarrassed by them. If I had only accepted the lost of control of my sissy clitty and accepted that this control belonged to my Mistresses I would have avoided a great amount of punishment training. My whining about how bad it was (it was and still is) just made matters worst.

I had to wear it to work. I was so afraid that some one would know that I was wearing it. Every time someone looked at me I felt humiliated as if they knew and were laughing at me. It also hurt to move around in. Mistress Amber’s comment did not help. I was told that sissies sometime had to wear their sissy clitty cage for months at a time. That did not make me happy. I wore it to work, I wore it at night and did not sleep, I wore it every time I had a desire to wear a pretty negligee and I wore it every time it fit a punishment that Mistress Amber devised. It did help me in curing my desire to touch myself. Good for Mistress, bad for sissy billy.

I complained about how it pulled my pubic hair. Mistress Amber helped me solve that problem. I shaved my sissy clitty. This was the first time I ever had to do this and it was humiliating. It did stop the pubic hair pulling.

Dealing with the mental side of my sissy clitty cage was by far the most difficult. It felt like old fashion armour hanging from my sissy clitty. In reality it was very light, but I could feel the weight between my legs. I was always self conscious when wearing it in public. It was well hidden by my pants, but I imagined a huge bulge that hung there for all to see.. I was constantly afraid of being discovered. I felt it always and each time I felt it my subservience was the first thing I thought of. It was humiliating. It did cure me somewhat of scratching my balls. Difficult to due with it on. Mistress Amber delights in referring to this as my battle of the bulge.

It has now been three months of training in how to wear my sissy clitty cage. I do better in putting it on and wearing it for extended periods of time. At the start of my last assignment I wore it for three days straight both at work and home and in public. I took it off and accepted part two A of my latest assignment for reasons other then the cage.

After three months the physical side of subservience and confinement in my sissy clitty cage is bearable. The mental side has not changed. It is still uncomfortable and clunky and wakes me up at night when I turn over and pulls my pubic hair, but the most difficult mental part of this, though, is that I have no control over my sissy clitty and I am constantly reminded of this humiliating aspect. Control belongs to my Mistresses and is always there as a containing punishment for when I am naughty. I still have a long way to go in mentally accepting this.

I accept that I need help and would appreciate others suggestions and comments on how to do better in wearing my sissy clitty cage.

sissy billy

You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

There is an old saying that ” You Can’t Teach An Old Dog New Tricks ”

Well that is not entirely True. You Can

Last week I reported that on my trip to visit Relatives, that I did not wear my thong – “Sissy Summer” – at nights because of so many people around.

This past weekend was that second half of a very busy two weeks for me. I had a four day weekend with a bunch of friends that I do every year. This year we rented a House on a lake with 9 people. I was worried how I would be obedient to Sissy Summer.

I must first thank pieclown because I did remember her advice about keeping the thong on under her boxer shorts.

Then I definitely remembered Mistress Amber’s admonition (Threat of Punishment) that if I had just kept my thong on it was all right to wear boy’s underwear over them.

Well I remembered. I wore my thong 24/7 with my boy’s underpants over my thong. It was uncomfortable, but I did it. An Old Dog finally listened and remembered and hopefully honored and was obedient to Sissy Summer.

Thanks – pieclown and of course – Mistress Amber – I never took my thong off.

sissy billy and Sissy Summer

sissy billy is going to make another wish

A Wish To Make Love

This is something that I know I will regret and I know that a sissy should be careful what she wishes for, but I am desperate. I am not used to Mistress Amber’s requirement of Chastity and it is so hard. In four months I have only made love to my sissy clitty two times. I so desperately want to play with her.

I have made several wishes to Mistress Amber in an email and would hope that I am allowed to make love without such humiliating and terrible consequences as performing a play as Kaya in my previous wish.

Mistress Amber has given me some leeway and told me to make my wish and tell her what I will do in return to earn my wish.

I had a good idea, but approached it rudely which will cost me in the future. I was going to suggest that I would do this to please Mistress Rosemarie by performing sensual and loving things with her. I approached her with this and after thinking briefly about it (she does know how horny I am), she said No. I was crushed. She then reprimanded me for suggesting this and scolded me for a poor attitude. She said that I was really thinking only about me, which I was. That if I had meant that I wanted to please her and not myself, she might have considered it. I think I am in trouble with Mistress Rosemarie now.

I would suggest a schedule that once a week I be allowed to make love to my sissy clitty under the following conditions.

I have performed all my assignments correctly for the week.

I should put on my most feminine and prettiest negligee.

I am to put a diaper on with pillows between my legs and lay on my back with my legs spread wide open with anticipation of being made love to like a sissy girl should expect.

I should watch a movie of two women making love and think about how I should please my Mistress.

I should then make my sissy clitty mess in my panties and sleep in them all night.

This would give sissy billy good incentives to excel in her assignments.

Sissy Summer – sissy billy’s disobedience – 2009-July-15

Sissy Summer is an assignment for all clients during the Summer Season.

I have been very good at honoring and managing the assignment until this weekend. Because I had failed in a previous assignment, I have to wear a ladies thong unlike the the other clients. This past weekend I made a trip to visit my in-laws with a lot of people around. I was very good in wearing my thong during the days, but failed in my assignment at night. For modesty and not to expose myself, I removed my thong and wore boys boxer shorts to sleep in at night. (Normally I do not sleep in anything – but had to in another person’s home)

I confessed this to Mistress Amber and she quickly reminded me that I could simply have kept my thong on and put boxer shorts over the top of them. Nothing gets by Mistress Amber and I should have thought of this, but did not for several subconscious reasons.

Sorry pieclown, you told me how to do this in your comment on going to the therapist and I did not remember.

Mistress Amber is getting to know me too well and she knows the real reason is not modesty. She has directed me to give the real reasons for not wearing a thong.

The truth is that I really dislike wearing a ladies thong and I have become so use to taking it off at night and being comfortable, that I did not try to find a solution and I took the easy way out.
Ladies Thongs are not for boys. They do not fit a boy and are extremely uncomfortable. They ride up my crack and I am constantly reminded that I am wearing one. They also are not meant for someone my size. The largest size I could find is an X-Large which is definitely too small. The more comfortable ones in X Large are very expensive and the reasonable cost thongs are very lacy and scratch and itch. The larger sized thongs for Plus Sissy’s are made of cotton and Mistress Amber has told me that a sissy has not earned the right to wear comfortable Cotton. Attached is a photo of my thongs and one can imagine how this sissy is uncomfortable.


Mistress Amber, I am not using this as an excuse. You told me to be honest and I have. I was so close to completing this assignment 100% for the weekend and only failed at night. I am sorry and hope the consequences are not to bad.

Independence Celebration – sissy billy Punishment – 2009-July-06

This is what you call double the Punishment, but not double the fun.

This is day two of my punishment that I talked myself into for whining and ignoring the definition of ASAP.

I was to repeat my punishment of last night. This involved learning what a “spreading core diaper” was. I am to put on my diaper, place two bedroom pillows between my legs and pull up my 4XL rubber diaper cover. This was my punishment for whining. I then ignored Mistress Amber (never a good thing to do, actually a very bad thing to do) by not doing this punishment ASAP. I now had to put on my big girls big bra and super stuff the cups with water balloons. I was to post this with pictures, but because of taking my time, I was also to take pictures on the back porch.

I did this and posted my first day punishment. In sending the additional pictures to Mistress Amber as is always required, I asked if I had to take a picture again on the porch. Last night it was dark by the time I took it. I was hoping that Mistress Amber would have some pity on me, but thank heavens she has not responded. I apologize for assuming I should do less and take back my sissy request to avoid this picture in day light.

I managed to take a picture on the porch between a lot of neighbor activity.


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Independence Celebration – sissy billy punishment – 2009-July-05

I had completed my assignment for the Independence Celebration in honoring Lady Liberty. I can not seem to keep my mouth shut like a sissy should though and sissy billy should learn to keep her mouth shut unless spoken to.

I whined to both Mistress Amber and Mistress Rosemarie about the ordering of a spreading core diaper and I did not even know what it was, but it did not shown pleasant. So I whined. I apologize to both Mistress Amber and Mistress Rosemarie. Mistress Amber then added a punishment for tonight that I should learn how to spread my legs for her and Mistress Rosemarie and that I should stuff two pillows over the diaper I would have to wear tonight and pull up my 4XL rubber diaper cover over it.


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sissy billy’s Independence Celebration in honor of Lady Liberty

Mistress Amber requested me to show respect of Independence Day by honoring and doing my best impression of Lady Liberty. In honor of Lady Liberty I dressed up for Lady Liberty by putting on my diaper, stuffing it as much as possible, putting on my big girls big bra and stuffing the cups with extra large water balloons, putting on my wrist and ankle cuffs to show proper obedience and respect for Lady Liberty and then to show humility (an also shrivel my private parts so I can better control them for Mistress Amber) I poured a quart of ice cold water down the front of my diaper.

I do this to show proper respect for Lady Liberty and our country. I stand and salute the Statue of Liberty which represents the freedom and liberty which we all enjoy in the United States of America.

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Independence Celebration

In the spirit of the upcoming 4th of July holiday, the following assignments are made:

**Red, White and Blue**
[Pieclown][] is to get dressed up nicely, in tight fitting white clothing. She will then pop her left breast form to show it was filled with a red liquid. She will smash a white whipped cream pie in her face. She will pop her left breast form to should it was filled with blue liquid. As a reminder that freedom isn’t free, she will be tightly packaged below the waist. Her packaging will remain in place from the time her assignment is begins until the post of the results is finished.

**Liberty in Diapers**
sissy billy is to get dressed up in her most padded diaper, biggest breast forms and a full regalia of cuffs, then do her best impression of [Lady Liberty][2]. There will be a quart of ice water poured down the front of her diaper once it is put on. She will stay completely dressed until her post is finished.

Note: If she can’t manage to get it stuffed well enough, then I will recommend to Mistress Rosemarie that she get a [spreading core diaper][1]. Having padding 16 inches wide between her legs would be a good reminder of what a sissy baby she is.

[Pieclown]: http://institute.cdpunishment.com/profiles/pieclown
[1]: http://adult-baby-shop.de/product_info.php?cPath=1_16_32&products_id=467&osCsid=77cbb1c16b35f5
[2]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Liberty

Relief for sissy billy

I made a wish and Mistress Amber has granted it. I did not, however, ask what the price would be.

Now my wish has been granted and I must pay the price at the same time.

Mistress Amber has tagged this an assignment, I will tell you later if is a punishment. I seems like one. In hindsight I was to learn something and that is something private I will discuss with Mistress Amber.

sissy billy makeup Punishment for Mistress Rosemarie has been Posted and my basic feminine ensemble is based on Day 4.

I am to wear:

Wrist and Ankle cuffs, Clothespins on my nipples, High Heels, My sissy clitty-cage (May be removed when playing the Role of Kaya’s Master only), A lace up Corset, Panties, A Big Bra stuffed with the largest water Balloons, Diapered and wearing my Overstuffed Pink Plastic cover

Added conditions for this Relief

Higher High Heels, Bigger Water Balloons, More stuffing in my Diaper

Prior to the start of this Activity, I am to dump a 1 Quart pitcher of Cold Water in my Diaper. I realize now why Mistress Amber added this. My wish was to be very difficult for me to accomplish. My sissy-clitty shriveled up from the cold water.

The Cost of my Wish

I am to perform Kaya’s Video and I am to play both the Part of Kaya’s Master (My wish) and the part of Kaya (My payment for this wish)


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sissy billy’s Makeup Punishment for Mistress Rosemarie

Mistress Amber never forgets:

Out of the blue she noted that I had failed to complete and actually never started a punishment that Mistress Rosemarie assigned me for embarrassing her. My original punishment was for taking the sissy way out of accepting a punishment by saying that I could never wear clothespins on my nipples for more then 1/2 hour. I accepted the fact that I had ignored this punishment and accepted the punishment from Mistress Amber that I was now required to complete it. I accepted and started my punishment.

Day One:

Mistress Rosemarie intended for me to place clothespins on my nipples for just 1/2 hour on the first day. Since I was already wearing wrist and ankle cuffs per my Standing Training rules I put the cuffs on also. I also had lots of my panties to iron. I had not had clothespins attached to my nipples for several weeks now and I forgot how much they hurt. I did complete my half hour and felt good that I had done so. My nipples were already sore, but I knew the real punishment would be Day three and four.

There was one huge mistake I made. I did not tell Mistress Rosemarie that I was completing the assignment she had given me. She was so mad that I went and hid in my room. When I finally got up the courage to go back downstairs she had calmed down, I thought. All she said was that the conditions had changed and we would be starting again tomorrow. Then she sent me to my room to think about how much trouble I was in.


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Relief for sissy billy

sissy billy has been very patient in her training, but has become a bit needy in the past few weeks. (I think this is why Mistress Rosemarie wanted her sissy to wear a clitty cage full time.)

> I have been laying in bed trying to go to sleep and I have an enormous erection. I laid on my back so as not to have an orgasm. It has subsided, but I have only milked my sissy clitty the one weekend of the wedding punishment and that was as directed by the punishment. Since the end of March I have only made love with my sissy clitty that one weekend. I have been so careful because you said that if I did have an orgasm and milk was to come out that the punishment was something that I did not ever want to know about.

> In that same email cautioning me not to milk my sissy clitty or else suffer a terrible punishment, you also suggested that I not wish for something that I might not like. I has been so long since my last orgasm, that I am willing to accept any consequences. Please Mistress Amber, I am wishing for you to give me your permission to milk my sissy clitty.

> I am afraid of the consequences, but I am desperate for making love to my sissy clitty.

So, as requested, I am giving sissy billy what she thinks she wants. She is to dress up as she did in day 4 of her yet to be published clothespin punishment with a couple of changes and re-iterations:

* High heels will be worn
* The pink diaper cover will be super-stuffed.
* One quart of ice cold water will be poured into the disposable diaper immediately after putting it on.
* The bra will be properly stuffed—the balloons used in the recent pictures were not sufficient.

Once dressed, she will play both part’s in [this video from Kaya][1]. She will pull out her sissy clitty and perform the part of Kaya’s master. She will then pull the diaper back up and perform the part of Kaya.

sissy billy will post the results of this punishment before she is allowed to take the clothespins off. The remainder of the clothing will remain in place for six hours following the posting of her punishment.

[1]: http://mastersclips.blogspot.com/2009/06/blog-post_12.html

sissy billy’s Standing Training Rules – Punishment Completed, I Hope – 2009-June-04

How I hope I have pleased Mistress Amber

On 5/18/09 Mistress Amber established Standing Training Rules for sissy billy. I was unable to obey these simple sissy training rules and was punished in various ways proposed by me as a training exercise and modified and approved by Mistress Amber. I have endured these punishments since that time as the sissy I am should. This past Saturday I was able to complete the non work week assignment and since Monday have also obeyed and followed the work week assignments.


As a sissy I should not brag about completing a simple assignment which any sissy should accomplish easily. As a new sissy in training I have had great difficulty with this. I proudly write that I have nothing to confess and I have accomplished the non work week and work week assignments.


For a work week assignment not followed. Since sissy billy needs her sleep, she can remove her cuffs before bed. However, to reinforce that she is still a sissy, on the nights she does not wear her cuffs, she will no longer be treated like a sissy, but like a sissy baby. Baby’s do not take showers in the morning, but sissy baby’s take baths and so sissy billy will take a bath and a sissy when taking a bath should always take a bubble bath. Each Day sissy billy will take a bubble bath each morning she does not wear her cuffs the night before. Additionally, since sissy billy is still trying to learn to wear her sissy clitty cage, she will be required to wear it whenever she is wearing her cuffs.

Completed Punishment:

Since Monday I have obeyed the assignments and therefore did not incur additional punishments. I did, however, owe three days of punishments for days that I did not follow the punishment assignment at the beginning of the training. Therefore, each morning before I went to work this week I did not take a shower. I filled the bath tub for a sissy bath and put lots of bubble bath in it so there were lots of bubbles. I then took a bubble bath like a sissy baby. When I was done I patted my self off with a fluffy towel like a sissy would do. I was also wearing my sissy clitty cage whenever I was in the house and I had my cuffs on. This was typical of what I have done each day to complete my assignment.

Of course this punishment is not complete unless Mistress Amber concurs and tells me that it is.

I hope she does since I really will sleep better without my sissy clitty cage on and I am so looking forward to a shower like a normal adult again.

I, of course, am still bound by the rules as originally stated in my Standing Training Rules and will wear cuffs when I am in the house (I am doing so as I write this post) and will abide by the dress rules.

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sissy billy’s Standing Training Rules – Back to being Punished – 2009-June-01

How I have disappointed Mistress Amber

Well I am sorry to say that after a single night of success, I am back where I started. It was Sunday Night and I had all intention of wearing my cuffs and sissy clitty cage, but after an hour of laying in bed and thinking too much about my obedience and servitude trying to please Mistress Amber two nights in a row, I broke down and took off my cuffs so that I could go to sleep. I again have a busy week at work, but that is no excuse to disobey Mistress Amber. A sissy should be able to follow and complete simple assignments and again I am not up to my punishment.

Since sissy billy needs her sleep, she can remove her cuffs before bed. However, to reinforce that she is still a sissy, on the nights she does not wear her cuffs, she will no longer be treated like a sissy, but like a sissy baby. Baby’s do not take showers in the morning, but sissy baby’s take baths and so sissy billy will take a bath and a sissy when taking a bath should always take a bubble bath. Each Day sissy billy will take a bubble bath each morning she does not wear her cuffs the night before. Additionally, since sissy billy is still trying to learn to wear her sissy clitty cage, she will be required to wear it whenever she is wearing her cuffs.

Completed Punishment:
Each morning before I go to work I do not take a shower. I fill the bath tub for a sissy bath and put lots of bubble bath in it so there is lots of bubbles. I then take a bubble like a sissy baby. When I am done I pat my self off with a fluffy towel like a sissy would do. I am also wearing my sissy clitty cage whenever I am in the house and I have my cuffs on. This is typical of what I have done each day when I have not worn my cuffs to sleep and that has been every night during this work week.

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